The Honduran coup regime has hired the services of Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates, a Washington DC based public relations firm, to clean up its image. SOA Watch will join Hondureños por la Democracia and others at 12:30pm today for a protest at their offices. Please support the protest by letting the PR firm know that their implicit endorsement of the Honduran coup regime and its record of human rights violations is simply unacceptable. You can send an email message through this webpage and call them at (202) 289-5900 to register your opposition.
Click here for the Online Action.
Video: 100 Days of Resistance:
Click here for the Online Action.
Video: 100 Days of Resistance:
100 days since the coup d'etat that ousted Manuel Zelaya, Fault Lines travels to Honduras to look at polarization and power in the Americas, and finds resistance and repression in the streets.
The news clip includes interviews with Bertha Oliva of the Committee of the Families of the Disappeared-Detained in Honduras (Bertha will join us at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia for the November Vigil) and with School of the Americas graduate and military coup leader General Romero Vásquez. It also looks at the elites behind the military coup, the coup plotters connections in the United States and the struggle for real democracy in Honduras.
Take it to the streets!Wednesday, October 28:
marks the 4 month anniversary of the SOA graduate-led military coup in Honduras. Organize vigils and actions in your community to show solidarity with the Honduran people and to close the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC). November 20-22: Converge on Fort Benning, Georgia to take a stand for justice for the people of the Americas and to shut down the SOA/ WHINSEC.
Click here for more information about the November vigil, travel and hotel information and logistical details.
Click here for more information about the November vigil, travel and hotel information and logistical details.
Please go to action link above to send the following letter to the PR firm of Chlopak, Leonard, Schecter & Associates.
I understand that Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates has registered with the Foreign Agents Registration Unit in order to lobby for the coup regime in Honduras.
Besides a few sectors within the United States and Honduras, it is completely clear to the international community that the de facto government has systematically and brutally suppressed human rights since taking power on June 28. Despite supposedly revoking an unconstitutional presidential decree, the coup government has used the military to forcibly execute and maintain the closure of all opposition media within Honduras. According to Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the OAS's Human Rights commission and a slew of other organizations and states, the police and military forces have systematically detained, beaten, and raped Hondurans without cause, and are responsible for AT LEAST 3 murders. This is surely the tip of the iceberg, and the entire world will understand the full brutality of Micheletti's reign in a short time.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has just announced that it is sending a team to Honduras for 3 weeks to investigate the violations of human rights in the country since the coup d'etat of June 28. This comes on the heels of the UN feeling forced to issue a statement denying Honduran media reports that the UN did not consider the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya a coup d'etat. It does. The June 30 vote was 153-0.
As you enjoy the freedom of speech granted to us under our constitution in order to lobby the powerful, the Micheletti regime has violently repressed dissent. I urge you to reconsider your open support for the coup regime and the abuses that are taking place in Honduras. We are determined not to let this issue pass, and to continue to bring attention to the facilitators and apologists for the Micheletti regime's blatant attack on Honduran democracy.
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