The following report on the recent Edmonton Anarchist Bookfair was published yesterday on the A-Infos website. Yes, I know, it is very sparse and personal and hardly makes an effort to describe what happened there, but the images are great. Check out the links for those if for no other reason.
Canada, Edmonton Anarchist Book fair 2008 - reportback by Paula:
I spent most of last weekend at the 2008 version of the Edmonton Anarchist Bookfair. Despite the negative associations many people have with anarchism, this event had nothing to do with violence or discord and more to do with organizing, peace, and community. Numerous vendors from across North America had information tables selling books, music, and videos of all kinds. I ended up buying some lapel buttons from ThoughtCrimeInk and a book about making it as an indie musician written by David Rovics [the well known anarchist troubadour], from PM Press. I also bought a graphic novel that was co-written and drawn by a bunch of local artists/activists concerning organizing in the workplace.
The most fun part of the weekend for me was playing my guitar to provide ambient background. I knew in advance I would not have a sound system, so I brought my 12-string which has a very bold sound. Still, when I was on stage at the Ukrainian Centre the sound was not carrying well. When another musician played he carried better, most likely due to a heavier strum and the fact he was using a pick. I tend to go pickless. On Sunday I brought a pick and it made a difference. I also played quite a bit in the front lobby. Since I had no microphone, I did not even bother to try to sing. This was my first all-instrumental performance, and I got good feedback so I will hopefully do it again at some point.
Here are some photos from the weekend at RaiseMyVoice.com http://www.raisemyvoice.com/anarchist08/anarchist08.html (34 images) and Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/raisemyvoice/sets/72157607776336853/ (32 images).
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