The 'Nor'Easter' is the journal of the Northeast Anarchist Network in the USA. The latest issue of their journal is now online for reading and for downloading in pdf format. Here's the announcement.
US, Nor'Easter Issue 3 Out Now:
Issue #3 of the Nor'Easter, the quarterly of the Northeast Anarchist Network, is ready to hit the streets (or nearest computer screen)
Download the Fall 2008 issue http://neanarchist.net/files/NorEaster3.pdf (10.1mb PDF)
- 20 pages featuring:
* Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul: Report from the RNC
* Report from Caravan to Chiapas: Observation and Solidarity with Zapatista Communities
* Pandemonium in the Streets of NYC
* APOCs Build It From Below: APOC Northeast and Northwest regional gatherings
* Reports from around the region and beyond
Print some off or get in touch with the Nor'Easter Collective, and spread 'em far and wide!
Download the PDF and read online content at http://www.neanarchist.net/
Contact noreaster@neanarchist.net
Online Content:
# Fuck Corporate Philanthropy
# Safe Homes Initiative: Safe for Whom?
# Sacco and Vanzetti Speech
Full Versions:
# Chronicle of the Battle of St Paul
# Report from the Caravan to Chiapas
The Northeast Anarchist Network is: a regional, horizontal, organizing network in the Northeast, striving to link those committed to anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppressive struggles. We recognize that the anarchist movement has a diversity of perspectives and priorities. We seek to nurture solidarity and mutual aid amongst all participants of the Network, especially in the face of repression.
Started in February 2007 by anarchists from across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, NEAN has grown through many subsequent meetings around the region. The process of creating this Network has connected many groups and individuals and has been a catalyst for the formation of new groups and projects. We haver eason to be optimistic about the future of this Network and region, and we welcome anyone sympathetic to our goals to be a part of it.
The Nor'Easter aims to provide an outlet for anarchist-related news and events while simultaneously introducing non-anarchists to anarchism and plugging them into the movement.
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