The Kate Sharpley Library is a British publishing house . Their latest efforts, both a pamphlet and their Bulletin focus on Soviet repression of anarchists. Here's the description from the Anarkismo site.
Bolshevik repression of Anarchists:
Two new publications from the Kate Sharpley Library
The Kate Sharpley Library are pleased to announce two new publications dealing with Bolshevik repression of Anarchists: An eyewitness account of the 1921 hunger strike in Moscow; and a special double issue of "KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library", dealing with Anarchists in the Gulag, prison and exile under the Bolsheviks.
Bolshevik repression of Anarchists: two new publications from the KSL ;
1. New pamphlet:
A Grand Cause: The Hunger Strike and the Deportation of Anarchists From Soviet Russia by Grigorii Petrovich Maksimov (G. P. Maximoff)with a biographical essay by Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Szarapow.
Grigorii Petrovich Maksimov (better known to western readers as G. P. Maximoff) was Secretary of Russia's Anarcho-Syndicalist Confederation and editor of Golos Truda (The Voice of Labour). He experienced at first hand the Bolshevik repression which crushed other revolutionaries and subordinated popular revolt to party dictatorship. This is his story of the 1921 hunger strike in which some of the leading lights of Russian anarchism staked their lives in a desperate gamble to expose Bolshevik repression – and win their freedom.This text comes from his indictment of the Bolshevik regime The Guillotine at Work: Twenty Years of Terror in Russia (1940). It has been footnoted by the Kate Sharpley Library to throw the light on the stories of other Russian anarchists as part of our Anarchists in the Gulag, Prison and Exile Project.
*Gregory Petrovich Maximoff (1893-1950) by Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Szarapow
*The Hunger Strike and the Deportation of Anarchists From Soviet Russia
*I The sickness and death of P. A. Kropotkin
*II Kronstadt events, arrests
*III The Taganskaya Prison
*IV The confinement was to be long
*V All decide to declare a hunger strike
*VI Cell no. 4 on hunger strike
*VII We are released
*VIII We are deported
*IX We start out
*X Stettin Prison. We are no more Czechs
- Trotzky's reply
- An agreement between the committee of the foreign delegates and the Bolshevik government
- A ray of light from Moscow
- To the workers of the world
ISBN 9781873605745 Anarchist Library #20£3 (£2 to Kate Sharpley Library subscribers)Some review copies are available.
2. Special double issue of "KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library"
2. Special double issue of "KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library"
This issue of the KSL Bulletin includes a Latvian anarchist's view of Moscow in 1918, a tribute to Khodounov, one of the anarchist activists killed by the Cheka in the raids there in April 1918, texts on two Italian anarchist victims of the Bolshevik regime, a letter from Efim Yarchuk, (author of "Kronstadt in the Russian Revolution") and a new biographical essay on Alexei Borovoi, one of the most important anarchists who stayed, and died, in Russia. Leaving the Soviet Union, we finish off with a review of the memoirs of Polish anarchist and 1944 Warsaw Rising survivor, Pawel Lew Marek.
*Trouble in Moscow: From the life of the "Liesma" ["Flame"] Group by "R", [Janis Birze (Remus)] (courtesy of Philip Ruff)
*Otello Gaggi: Victim of Fascism and Stalinism by Giorgio Sacchetti (translated by Paul Sharkey)*A Letter From Francesco Ghezzi (courtesy of Luc Nemeth from the Lazarevitch papers)Francesco Ghezzi: Italian Anarchist in Vorkuta, From "Bollettino Archivio G. Pinelli" (Milan) (translated and adapted by Paul Sharkey)
*Efim Yarchuk on the Anarchist Red Cross (1924) from "Behind the Bars", published by the Anarchist Red Cross
*New pamphlet : "A Grand Cause : The Hunger Strike and the Deportation of Anarchists From Soviet Russia"
*One of the Bandits (In Memory of Comrade Khodounov) from "Uralsky Nabat", reprinted from "The Guillotine at Work"
*Alexei Borovoi (from individualism to the Platform) by Anatoly Dubovik, translated by Szarapow.
*Letter from Memorial"
*On the edge of life: Memories of an anarchist 1943-44" by Pawel Lew Marek [Review] by Admiral, from "Inny Swiat", trans S.
Subscriptions to "KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library" for one year (4 issues) are UK:£3, Europe:10euro, USA: $5, Institutions: £20. Friend rate (bulletin and all other publications): £25/ $40 Back issues can be read at: www.katesharpleylibrary.net -Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX
Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704, USA
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