Ah, Molly's old stomping grounds back in the Jurassic. The Canadian province of Saskatchewan has a new conservative government, the Saskatchewan Party, and one of the very first acts of this set of rulers was to introduce union-busting legislation. The Saskatchwan Federation of Labour is asking that people email the government protesting this legislation. To read more and to join this campaign go HERE. The basics of what is happening follow....
Act NOW!
Stop the Attack on Trade Union Rights in Saskatchewan
The first act of Saskatchewan’s brand new government was to introduce two union-busting pieces of legislation. The Essential Services Act (Bill 5) will take away the right to strike of almost every public sector worker, and even allows the government, at their own whim, to deem private sector workers as essential. Bill 6, amendments to the Trade Union Act, will allow employers to use threats and intimidation to communicate their opinions about unionizing and the business of the union. It will also move organizing from automatic certification to secret ballot votes, which is far less democratic and will result in a halt to union organizing in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour and its affiliates have launched a public relations and mobilization campaign to have Bills 5 and 6 withdrawn. We are also challenging the legislation in court, arguing that they violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Human Rights code, and international law, including the International Bill of Human Rights and several UN and ILO Conventions
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