It's becoming something of a tradition- the anarchist bookfair. In cities across the world more and more people are coming together each year in a carnival-like atmosphere to celebrate the art of anarchist publication. Not just books and pamphlets but other artistic endeavours from video, to film, to live theatre, to clothes and workshops on a wide variety of subjects. These fairs are an example of anarchism at its constructive best, building and demonstrating alternatives in an atmosphere that is attractive rather than threatening.
Edmonton Alberta has hosted an annual bookfair since 2002, and this year's event is scheduled for October 27th and 28th, 2007 at the Alberta Avenue Community League at 9210 118th Ave., Edmonton, Alberta. The keynote speaker will be Ward Churchill who will speak at the Myer Horowitz Theatre at the University of Alberta on October 26th, the evening before the bookfair. Attendance is usually about 1,000 people, and vendors and speakers come from across North America. The people at the Edmonton Anarchist Bookfair have issued a callout for people interested in selling their literature or other productions and presenting information about their group. Preference will be given to vendors who provide anarchist/activist literature or merchandise. There is limited assistance available for travelling and billeting, and the organizers are able to accept merchandise from vendors unable to attend but once more on a limited basis.
The dealine for table submissions is September 1st, 2007, and you can ask for table space via the following email addresses:
Any submissions should answer the following questions:
Affiliation (if any)
Postal Code/Zip Code
email (required)
How many tables will you require ?
Brief description of what your table(s) will offer the public
The organizers would also ask you to provide some travel information to help maximize attendance ie
Where will you and your co-presenters be travelling from and by what method ?
If you are driving can you drive other people that need rides in your area ? How many spaces available ?
If you are not driving can you ride with other people ? How many spaces will you need ?
Do you require a travel subsidy ? If so how much ?
Will you need a place to stay while you are in Edmonton ? If so for how many and for how long ? Please provide dates.
Other concerns or considerations?
Will you require childcare? For how many children ?
The Bookfair has also issued a callout for presenters. The deadline for this is August 15th. The organizers are interested in presentations that address
-current or historical horizontal community organizing
-current or historical perspectives on Anarchism
-community organizing in other countries
-skill sharing
-other topics of interest
The email addresses for submisssion of presentations are the same as above. They ask you to send them an abstract of your presentation including the following information:
Presenter (may submit a maximum of two abstracts)
Affiliation (if any)
Postal Code/Zip Code
Telephone #
Fax #
Email (required)
Brief (1-2 sentence) description of presentation for promotional material
Presentation type (out of the following)
*workshop 1 hour
*workshop 2 hours
*oral presentation 30 minutes
The organizers are able to provide the following audio visual aids ie laptop, projector, VCR, DVD player, CD/cassette player, flip chart. Please specify if you need any of these or any other aids. It is asked that presenters bring their presentations on CD/DVD or memory stick. Handouts for the prsentations can be provided for the audience if an electronic copy is provided to the bookfair by Oct. 1st. Otherwise presenters will be required to duplicate handouts at their own expense. Please specify if you would prefer Saturday Oct. 27th or Sunday, October 28th for your presentation.
That's about it. If you have any other questions feel free to contact the organizers at the email addresses above.
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