It's winter in Winterpeg, and our local IWW branch, the Winnipeg Wobblies (see also their Facebook page ) are inviting people to a 'Holidarity Forever' get together this coming December 16. Here's what it's all about.
Holidarity Forever!
Time Thursday, December 16 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location Black Sheep Diner
540 Ellice
Winnipeg, MB
More Info
It's that time of year again...
Time to spend some quality time with your fellow workers and comrades. Time to reminisce about the struggles of the past year, and hope for revolution in the new. Time to dust off the old little red songbook and sing classic IWW carols.
Yes, it's Holidarity Forever, the annual get-together for folks interested in social justice (and by "social justice" we mean smashing capitalism, patriarchy, racism, homophobia, colonialism, etc.). Come down and enjoy the company of your comrades in the struggle!
There will be food, beer and songs.
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