Coming up this weekend out in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, the Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair. Here's a brief announcement from their facebook group. You can get more info from the website linked above. The following has been slightly edited for the sake of coherence (eg noon is 12 pm not 12 am, etc.).
2010 Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair
Friday December 3 at 6:00pm - December 5 at 12:00pm
Grace-Westminster United Church
505 10th St. East
Saskatoon, SK
More Info
The Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair is back with two days of workshops, speakers, literature/art vendors, food, entertainment, and nice people. The main event will be held at Grace-Westminster Church (505 10th St E) with a party/concert at Cosmo Senior's Centre on the Saturday night. The whole weekend is free/by donation, all ages, and vegan-friendly.
With participants coming from across western Canada, it's a perfect opportunity to...... share ideas & meet interesting folks. Everyone is welcome - this isn't just for those who self-identify as anarchists. Discussions will cover wide range of political/personal topics and views. Anyone interested in tabling or participating in some way is asked to get in touch with the organizing committee.
E-mail: saskatoonanarchy@gmail.com
Blog: http://saskatoonanarchy.blogspot.com/
Info about our speaker Friday night:
Workshop Schedule!
12 p.m.- "Books Through Bars and Prisoner Solidarity" with Cam
2 p.m.- Jan's "Meditate and Destroy" A free meditation workshop for activists & anyone needing to centre, de-brief and practice self-cultivation
2 p.m (in second room)- "Make your own Chapbook" with Stephen Rutherford from Tonight It's Poetry. *Space Limited to ten people*
3 p.m.- "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" with Val Zinc from Briarpatch magazine
3 p.m. (other room)- Transition Saskatoon
with Malinda
4 p.m.- "Saskatchewan: the New Alberta. A look at Sask Party's environmental attacks and the Tar Sands"
with Billy Patterson
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