The Canadian army continues its role in the unwinable war in Afghanistan, with the federal Conservatives gradually "softening up" the public for participation that may last yet another decade (or until the USA realizes defeat and declares victory and gets out). This attempt at 'extension by attrition' is, of course, rather deceptive, but it is hardly the first instance of our federal government waging "war by deceit". Canada did indeed participate in the American invasion of Iraq, no matter how loudly the governments of the day stated that they were not a party to that conflict. Here's a new book out from the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) that lays out this hidden story.
Canada at War in Iraq!
New 54-page COAT report
"At last the surprising truth of the Canada's military complicity in the Iraq War.
A cry for peace. Brilliantly orchestrated."
Victor Levant, author, Quiet Complicity: Canadian Involvement in the Vietnam War
Did you know that about 2,000 Canadian sailors -- aboard eight, multi-billion dollar Canadian warships -- participated in the Iraq War?
Or that Canadian pilots flew warplanes in Iraq-war missions, including U.S. C-17s, a British MR2 and Canadian C-130s and CP-140s?
Or that Canadian Army generals received Canadian and American medals after leading tens of thousands of troops in Iraq?
These are just a few of the surprising facts detailed in this new 54-page report:
"Operation SILENT PARTNER: Canada’s Quiet Complicity in the Iraq War"
This report, published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT), will be mailed to subscribers of Press for Conversion! this week. (Would you like a copy? See below for details.)
COAT's latest publication is the most comprehensive resource available on the role of Canada's Navy, Air Force and Army in the Iraq war. It contains many original, previously-unpublished articles, with over 300 references, and is illustrated with dozens of photographs showing:
* high-ranking Canadian military officers involved in the Iraq war,
* the U.S., Canadian and British medals they received for their roles in Iraq, and
* Canadian warplanes and warships that were deployed by Liberal and Conservative governments alike.
Preview some of the articles in this issue
When Liberal politicians proclaimed that Canada was refusing to join the U.S. “Coalition of the Willing” against Iraq, many Canadians were understandably proud. Unfortunately, it was all a smoke-and-mirrors game. In reality, Canada did join the Iraq war in 2003 and has contributed in many significant ways ever since. However, Canada's quiet complicity in the Iraq War has gone largely unnoticed. By exposing the remarkable yet largely-unknown history of Canada's participation in the Iraq war, we can try to avoid a similar fiasco from happening again. Please learn more, and help...
Be among the first to read this latest COAT exposé. Order a copy of this issue ($8) or subscribe ($25). (Subscribers receive copies of four different issues.)
Visit the COAT website and use Paypal, a safe easy way to send money online. Or, simply mail a cheque to COAT, at 541 McLeod St., Ottawa ON K1R 5R2.
Richard Sanders
Coordinator, COAT
P.S. A limited number of free copies are available for journalists, and activists who will help spread the word. Reply to this email asap if you'd like a sample copy of this issue.
P.P.S. This report was kindly printed by the Canadian Labor Congress (CLC) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE).
P.P.P.S. Press for Conversion! makes a good stocking stuffer.
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