In her obsessive compulsive madness Molly has added yet more links to this blog. Don't ask me for justification as the usage of these links seems to be few and far between, but it's at least useful to have them somewhere. as the owner of the 'I Love Physics' site commented previously on this blog, he and I were disappointed when Science magazine ended their 'Netwatch' feature. Even if only a few people find these links useful they are still worthwhile, especially as they fulfill the long buried dreams of a childhood insect collector and a frustrated librarians. Hey, maybe I should have tried to be a taxonomist. I's have little competition these days as people flock to "sexier" fields of science. Anyways...
Under the 'Scientific Links' I have added the following:
1)Mathworld : This bills itself as "the most extensive mathematical resource on the internet", and the claim may indeed be true. The links listed make up for the lacunae in the site itself. Not really for the uninitiated. tutorials are not us. Molly can catch the drift of some subjects such as "number theory" or "linear algebra" where she has had either previous training or a long interest, but some other things "fuzz her". My eternal efforts to keep up with calculus wouldn't be helped by a site such as this, but the links may guide someone like myself who had training but never used it for decades. I hope. Maybe. I'll try in my usual slow and lazy feline way to provide other mathematical links that can guide the totally uninitiated from "ground zero" sometime in the future. But this site is the "best" in many ways for those with at least a minor knowledge of various fields of mathematics.
2) Al Roth's Game Theory and Experimental Economics Page : A good comprehensive introduction and reference to "game theory". Contains at least a bit of introductory material. As you can guess from the title heavy on economics and "fading" in other applications such as evolutionary biology, anthropology, etc.. Still very good, but Molly once more plans to supplement this at a future time.
3) The Stephen Jay Gould Archive : A more or less "official" archive for the writings of the late Stephen Jay Gould, one of Molly's favourite popularizers of science, with emphasis on evolutionary biology. Despite disagreeing with some of his opinions Molly feels that Gould was one of the "greats". Which leads to a scary thought. Almost all my "favourite scientists" are now dead. Gould, Sagan,etc.. Once more, despite disagreements I hope that Margulis lives to be 100. I guess that Molly's fur is getting grey as she ages.
Well...enough of brooding on mortality. Under the 'Other Interesting Links' section I have also listed the following:
1) The website of Jerome Tuccille : As a socialist anarchist Molly cannot obviously agree with Tuccille, but, as I have expressed in a previous post, I find him one of the great writers in the American "libertarian" tradition. Always entertaining if not always right, though I suppose that my own disagreements with him are on the same level as those in science with people like Gould and Margulis.
2) The Library of Economics and Liberty : Well... here I can find things that are truly offensive as this site is from a conservative perspective in the hard "neo-liberal" American sense. Yet... this site is the repository of the online writings of almost all of the great economists in history. Their complete works are their for your perusal. Download either 'Das Capital' or 'The Wealth of Nations' as your fancy leads you. Amongst dozens !!! of other offerings. The absolute best source to see economics classics in their originals. Have a look.
That's it for now,