Coming up into its fourth turn around, it's the annual Winnipeg DIY Fest and Radical Bookfair. This September 25 and 26 at the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre. Come out and enjoy the Fair along with Mollymew in her 'Mollymew Productions' outfit. Sure to be fun. More on this blog as the details become clearer.
Winnipeg Radical Bookfair and Do-It-Yourself Fest
In it's 4rd year, DIY fest will still feature fun Do-It-Yourself workshops, and again joins forces with the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair. So you can expect a bookfair with vendors of radical, anarchist and alternative publications, some workshop discussions on activism in Winnipeg, and fun evening events.
Events Saturday and Sunday will occur at the Broadway Neighbourhood Center, located at 185 Young St., just south of Broadway. Thursday and Friday events will be at The Autonomous Zone, 91 Albert St.
This year's speakers: Friday September 24th Gord Hill, author of 500 Years of Resistance. Saturday September 25th David Hugill Elizabeth Comack and Nahanni Fontaine Sunday September 26th.
If you would like to host a workshop or help out in any other way, it would be much appreciated. Call the Junto library at 942-6994 or email collective@junto.a-zone.org .
Sept 25&26 2010
Check the Workshops and Events pages for scheduling details, which will be posted as they are finalized.
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