Seems that the Mott's company is waging a campaign to have the Caesar declared the "national cocktail" of Canada. I never knew that countries had "national cocktails", and I'm sure that this would be an occasion for endless puns. If the idea ever takes off, however, Mott's behavior would probably fit it to be the 'national cocktail' of a place like North Korea. Molly has blogged before on the long standing strike at the Mott's plant in Williamson New York. In response to this latest Canadian campaign the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada have opened a petition in solidarity with their American fellow workers and against the Motts campaign. Here's the story >>>>
No to Clamato! Down with Caesar!
Mix one part greed with a big dash of corporate bullying, and what you get is the company behind Mott’s Clamato beverage.
Doesn’t sound very Canadian does it? Well, Mott’s isn’t Canadian, and Clamato isn’t made in Canada — so don’t be fooled by a new campaign to have the Clamato Caesar named the national cocktail of Canada!
Mott’s Clamato is a brand owned by Dr Pepper Snapple (DPS) Group — the hugely successful multinational which has tried to force a bitter and malicious cocktail of wage and pension cuts on 300 workers at a very profitable Mott’s plant in Williamson, New York.
That’s why tens of thousands of activists across Canada and the USA have said NO to buying Mott’s products — including Clamato — to show their support for the UFCW/RWDSU Local 220 workers in Williamson, New York.
So add your name to the petition and say “NO to Clamato" and "Down with Caesar” until the DPS/Motts empire stops acting like a bunch of dictators.
No to Clamato! Down with Caesar!
Mix one part greed with a big dash of corporate bullying, and what you get is the company behind Mott’s Clamato beverage.
Doesn’t sound very Canadian does it? Well, Mott’s isn’t Canadian, and Clamato isn’t made in Canada — so don’t be fooled by a new campaign to have the Clamato Caesar named the national cocktail of Canada!
Mott’s Clamato is a brand owned by Dr Pepper Snapple (DPS) Group — the hugely successful multinational which has tried to force a bitter and malicious cocktail of wage and pension cuts on 300 workers at a very profitable Mott’s plant in Williamson, New York.
That’s why tens of thousands of activists across Canada and the USA have said NO to buying Mott’s products — including Clamato — to show their support for the UFCW/RWDSU Local 220 workers in Williamson, New York.
So add your name to the petition and say “NO to Clamato" and "Down with Caesar” until the DPS/Motts empire stops acting like a bunch of dictators.
Please go to the UFCW.CA website to see and sign the following petition and also to play their exciting online game of 'bean the Mott's executive'.
I say NO to Clamato and Down with Caesar because of DPS/Mott’s shameful treatment of UFCW/RWDSU Local 220 workers in Williamson, New York. Canadians believe in justice, fairness and honesty — not the malice now being served up by Clamato headquarters.
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