Down on the Amazon the government of Brazil is planning what will be the third largest hydroelectric project on Earth. No doubt profit for the government and its friends, but devastation for indigenous people whose lands would be flooded. Internationally people are coming to the support of these people and their struggle. Here's the story from the International Rivers website.
Stop Belo Monte Dam!
In early February, the Brazilian government approved the environmental license for the controversial Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon.
The dam, slated to be the world’s third largest hydroelectric project, would devastate an extensive area of the Amazon rainforest, and threaten the survival of indigenous and traditional peoples. Construction could begin this year.
The decision has caused a national and international outcry. Right now, more than 5,000 Kayapo Indians are planning a protest camp on the Big Bend of the Xingu River to prevent dam construction. They are threatening war.
Studies have shown that by investing in energy efficiency, Brazil could cut demand for electricity by 40% by 2020 and save $19 billion in the process. The amount of energy saved would be equivalent to 14 Belo Monte dams!
The Brazilian government needs to hear from you today. Let them know that the international community will not sit idly by while they threaten indigenous lives and destroy one Amazon river after another.
Please write today to President Lula and his Ministers and ask them to revoke the preliminary license for Belo Monte Dam!
Stop Belo Monte Dam!
In early February, the Brazilian government approved the environmental license for the controversial Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon.
The dam, slated to be the world’s third largest hydroelectric project, would devastate an extensive area of the Amazon rainforest, and threaten the survival of indigenous and traditional peoples. Construction could begin this year.
The decision has caused a national and international outcry. Right now, more than 5,000 Kayapo Indians are planning a protest camp on the Big Bend of the Xingu River to prevent dam construction. They are threatening war.
Studies have shown that by investing in energy efficiency, Brazil could cut demand for electricity by 40% by 2020 and save $19 billion in the process. The amount of energy saved would be equivalent to 14 Belo Monte dams!
The Brazilian government needs to hear from you today. Let them know that the international community will not sit idly by while they threaten indigenous lives and destroy one Amazon river after another.
Please write today to President Lula and his Ministers and ask them to revoke the preliminary license for Belo Monte Dam!
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Brazilian authorities.
Your Excellency,
I am writing to express my concern about the Brazilian government's decision to move forward with the Belo Monte Dam. The project will devastate an extensive area of the Brazilian Amazon and threaten the survival of indigenous and tribal peoples. Indigenous people have not been adequately consulted about the project.
I am concerned about the way the Brazilian government is pushing through this project at all costs, with little attention to due process or the rule of law.
I stand in solidarity with the indigenous people of the Xingu Basin in their opposition to Belo Monte and I ask that you review the recent decision to grant a preliminary license to the project.
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