Pollock's Hardware Co-op, north Winnipeg's great alternative to the big box stores, will be holding their annual general meeting this coming November 30. Come on out, and if you're not a member already sign up then and there. Check out THEIR WEBSITE or THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE to see what it is all about and all the neat stuff involved at the store. Here's the announcement.
Annual General Meeting:
Pollock’s Hardware Co-op Ltd.
Annual General Meeting:
Pollock’s Hardware Co-op Ltd.
Please join your fellow members for the first AGM of our growing Co-op.
Monday November 30, 2009
Luxton Community Centre (upstairs)
210 St. Cross Street
registration: 6:30pm
call to order: 7:00pm
• presentation of 2008-09 financial report and 2009-10 forecast
• reports from the chair and general manager
• approval of co-op by-laws• election of board of directors*
• open discussion about our future
* If you want to be considered for board membership please send your name and contact info to the Nomination Committee c/o 63 Scotia Street, R2W 3W6 or call 471-3080 or e-mail membership@phco-op.ca
Here's a little blurb and link from the Pollock's Co-op website telling what Pollocks is about. Enjoy.
No bailouts required for Pollock's:
by Tom Simms
In June 2008, Pollock's Hardware was reborn due in a large part to the historic cooperative values that were embraced by our North End neighbourhood. Little did we know at the time that we would be starting up this unique community enterprise amidst one of the worst economic recessions of our times. On the first year anniversary of the re-opening of the store, which had closed after 85 years when the owners retired and a new owner could not be found, we are pleased to report that while global capitalism is unravelling, Pollock's Hardware Co-op is making record sales. No bailouts required here. Our community-owned hardware store on north Main Street is thriving.
No bailouts required for Pollock's:
by Tom Simms
In June 2008, Pollock's Hardware was reborn due in a large part to the historic cooperative values that were embraced by our North End neighbourhood. Little did we know at the time that we would be starting up this unique community enterprise amidst one of the worst economic recessions of our times. On the first year anniversary of the re-opening of the store, which had closed after 85 years when the owners retired and a new owner could not be found, we are pleased to report that while global capitalism is unravelling, Pollock's Hardware Co-op is making record sales. No bailouts required here. Our community-owned hardware store on north Main Street is thriving.
The revival of Pollock's Hardware, which was established in 1922, is based on the same historic co-operative principles used by prairie farmers to deal with the devastation of the prevailing survival-of-the-fittest private market ideology that impacted their livelihoods by forming wheat pools and marketing boards. As well, communities have organized themselves along co-operative lines to establish credit unions to fill the void left by banking institutions.
Read the whole article: Winnipeg Free Press July 17, 2009
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