The time for the 2010 Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympics is drawing nearer and nearer, and, as yet, their is no corporate team favourite in the public money toilet flushing event. Still, there is a lot going on in opposition to the spectacle. Here's a roundup from the Olympic Resistance Network out vancouver way, but, as the following shows the resistance is not just BC based but is now national even international.
Get involved and upcoming meetings and events:
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) Sunday Nov 22, ORN General Meeting 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* If you are unable to come to General Meetings but want to support specific tasks, we will be having regular postering and flyering times.This week join us for flyering; we will have flyers and want to spread information about the Feb convergence to as many people as possible, so please join us!
- Friday November 20 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm at Waterfront Skytrain Station. Meet 3:30 pm at front doors - or if late look for people flyering.
- Tuesday November 24 from 4:30 - 6 pm: flyering at Broadway/Commercial Skytrain Station. Meet 4:30 pm outside Blenz coffeeshop - or if late lookfor people flyering.
- Friday November 27 from from 3:30 - 5:00 pm at Waterfront Skytrain Station. Meet 3:30 pm at front doors - or if late look for people flyering.
Upcoming Anti-Olympics Events and Meetings:
1) Call for Cross Canada Mobilizing: Extinguish the Torch!
2) Nov 18-21: Installation on Surveilling Public Space
3) Nov 19: Olympics and Freedom of Speech
4) Nov 19: Launch of Dominion's special Olympics issue
5) Nov 19-Nov 20: The Coming Insurrection, Solidarity Means Attack
6) Nov 23: Housing, Homelessness and the 2010 Olympics
7) Nov 26: Security, Civil Liberties and the 2010 Olympics
8) Nov 26: The Right to Adequate Housing with Miloon Kothari
9) Nov 27-28: Youth Resistance through Art
10) Nov 28-29: ORN Weekend of Training and Workshops
11) Nov 29: Community Policing: History and Resistance
12) Nov 30: Understanding the Olympics as part of corporate culture
13) Toronto: 2010: Year of Resistance by our Indigenous Nations
14) Kingston: Olympic Awareness Week organized by Resist 2010 Kingston
15) Portland: 2010 Olympic Resistance Awareness Event
* Route details below *
From October 31 2009 - February 12 2010, the Olympic Torch Relay “A Path of Northern Lights” will be traveling across Canada. The Olympic Resistance Network, based in Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories, is calling on and encouraging our allies to coordinate efforts in over 2000 communities to oppose and resist the Torch Relay.
The origins of the Torch Relay lie in the dark history of the 1936 Games in Berlin, where it was devised as a means to spread Nazi fascism and to promote the Third Reich. The Royal Bank of Canada and Coca Cola are the main sponsors of the 2010 Torch relay. RBC is the top financier of the environmentally devastating Alberta Tar Sands, while Coca Cola has been responsible for health degradation as part of the junk food industry, massive depletion of groundwater and toxic waste pollution in India, and involved in hiring paramilitary groups to violently repress union organizers in Colombia.
It is becoming increasingly evident that far from being simply about sport, the 2010 Olympics is rooted in displacement, corporate greed, militarization, and repression. While Olympic corporate sponsors are getting bailed out, Indigenous lands are being stolen, more people are becoming homeless, thousands are losing their jobs and access to public services, the environment is being destroyed, and civil liberties are being eroded as over a billion dollars are being sunk into security and surveillance measures.
This Torch Relay will be the longest in-country relay in Olympic history, giving us the chance to make some anti-Olympic history!
No Olympics onStolen Native Land!
If you are organizing an event or action in your city, town, or community please email us the details at olympicresistance@riseup.net so we can compile the information and build strength and unity in our efforts by having this information available on our website. Basic route details (see links below for full information) are as follows:
Nov 16 - Nov 28, 2009: through Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands, and New Brunswick: Sydney, Whycocomagh, Port Hawkesbury, Truro, Paq’tnkek, Antigonish, Halifax, Bear River FN, Lunenburg, Charlottetown, Moncton, Sussex, Saint John, Fredericton, Esgenoôpetitj, Grand Falls, and others.
Nov 29 - Dec 11, 2009: through Quebec: Rimouski, Baie-Comeau, Les Escoumins,Saguenay, Lévis, Saint-Georges, Black Lake, Victoriaville,Sherbrooke, Drummondville, Trois-Rivières, Longueuil, Kahnawá:ke, Beaconsfield, Mont-Tremblant, Montréal, Laval, Gatineau, and others Dec 12, 2009 - Jan 4, 2010: through Ontario: Ottawa, Pikwàkanagàn, Akwesasne, Kingston, Tyendinaga, Peterborough, Toronto, Hamilton, St.Catharines, Six Nations, Brantford, Oneida, Leamington, Windsor, Sarnia, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Barrie, Huntsville, Temiskaming, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Red Rock FN, Kenora, and others.
Jan 5 - Jan 20, 2010: through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta: Winnipeg, Sioux Valley Dakota, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Moosomin FN, Edmonton, Wetaskiwin, Red Deer,Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Calgary, Canada Olympic Park, Stoney Nation, and more.
Jan 21 - Feb 11, 2010: through BC: Golden, Cranbrook, Nelson, Trail, Osoyoos FN, Penticton, Kelowna, Vernon, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Kamloops, 100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Prince George, Smithers, Gitanmaax, Fort St. John, Terrace, Bella Bella, Powell River, Sechelt, Squamish, Whistler, Lil’wat, Merritt, Fraser Valley, Lower Mainland and others.
* Full route information: Complete listing by day:
Provincial and Territorial Routes:
* About the Olympic Resistance Network:
Why we Oppose the 2010 Games:
Video at: http://no2010.com/node/1003
Contact us at olympicresistance@riseup.net
Surveilling Public Space:
Perspectives on Spectacle The Installation
"...our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance"
Surveilling Public Space: Perspectives on Spectacle
18 - 21 November, 2009 (Wed - Sat)
Interurban Gallery (1 E Hastings Street, Vancouver BC)
Opening with Special Presentation: 18 November, 2009 (Wed) 7:00 PM
Presented and Curated by Simon Fraser University Communication and the Vancouver Public Space Network. Free admission.
What does video surveillance in public space mean to you? Come share your thoughts with artists and scholars from Vancouver, Canada, and around the globe.
"... our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance." Despite Foucault’s famous assertion, it is becoming increasingly clearthat in contemporary society, it is impossible to separate the notion of surveillance from that of spectacle. Technological advances have allowed the surveillance of our cities to become all but invisible, yet at the same time policing and security have become deliberately spectacular. Particularly, the upcoming securitization of Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics will forge a link between spectacle and surveillance on an unprecedented scale.
Surveilling Public Space looks to comment on the increasing normalization of surveillance cameras in contemporary society. Surveillance cameras are not merely functional but are also full of social meaning. The show will portray a variety of perspectives on the act of video surveillance in public space and its social, political, and economic implications. This exhibition posits to create a visceral or experiential understanding of the meaning of video surveillance in our society.
The Chapman Discussion Series Presents:
The Chapman Learning Commons in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre cordially invites you to a panel discussion on the upcoming Winter 2010 Olympics, and what this means for Freedom of Speech in Vancouver during the Olympics period. Topics will include the proposed Safe Assembly Areas, recent legislation and by-laws, and how these will influence reporting of the Olympics in the media and internationally.
Speakers will be Daniel W. Burnett from the UBC Graduate School of Journalism and media lawyer, Margot Young from the Faculty of Law andco-author of Poverty: Human Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism,and Robert Diab, from Capilano College and author of Guantanamo North. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of our guests.
The discussion will be held on Thursday November 19th, from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, in the Dodson Room of the Chapman Learning Commons of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Dante Abbey Chapman Learning Commons Assistant
Launch event for the Dominion's special issue on the 2010 Olympics
Thursday, November 19, 7:00pm
Rhizome Café,
317 E Broadway
Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory
Accessible space, childcare available.
THE LAUNCH: The Vancouver Media Co-operative in collaboration with The Dominion will be hosting a launch event in Vancouver to celebrate the publication of the special issue on The Olympics. Join us in an informal setting where we will discuss strengthening grassroots media and distributing the new special issue! Speakers on the 2010 Olympics TBA. For more information please email: olympics@mediacoop.ca or call: 604-630-6864 Please visit http://www.dominionpaper.ca/ for more details.
THE SPECIAL ISSUE "In Canada, you will find a nation that works every day towards creating the conditions of the Olympic ideal." --Jean Chrétien
The "Olympic Ideal" is part of one of the world’s most successful marketing campaigns, built around concepts that almost everyone can agree upon: world-class amateur sport and peaceful competition. But a rising chorus of critical voices say that the Olympics are deeply implicated in the expropriation of land, money and resources. From movements demanding "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land" to angry business owners, resistance to the Olympics economic and social agenda is growing.The Olympics budget includes a billion dollars for security. A billion dollars each will be spent on a new convention centre, a larger highway to Whistler, and SNC Lavalin's rail link from the Vancouver airport to downtown. In the political and economic manoeuvres leading up to the 2010 Olympics, a different "ideal" has been revealed – one of exclusive contracts, sponsorship deals, displacement, social cleansing, and corruption.
At times, sport seems like an afterthought. Many of the real stories behind the Olympics remain to be told. In the Dominion's special issue on the Olympics, dozens of activists and journalists from across the country tell some of these stories. Thousands of copies of the Olympic special issue will be printed and distributed through grassroots networks across Turtle Island in November 2009.
16 E. hastings
Coast Salish Territory
a gallery showing of insurrectionary theory through art, film, freeschool & theater opens NOV. 5th-20th every Wed, Thur, Friartshow & reading room 6-9 show & happenings: http://artandanarchy.wordpress.com/
insurrection as presupposition and experiment. sharing of a sensibility and elaboration of sharing. the uncovering of what is common and the building of a force. insurrection as the matrix of a meticulous, audacious assault on domination. as a call and as a name for all worlds resisting imperial pacification, all solidarity's irreducible to the reign of commodities, all friendships assuming the necessities of war.insurrection. (Molly Note-I would even bother to try and edit the above "paragraph" I betcha you can't memorize it. The string of random words or numbers that the human memory can store is strictly limited. )
Thurs Nov. 19th @ 7:30
The Potentiality of Storming Heaven:
a film about the 2008 Greek social insurrection, featuring our friends from the Greek surrealist group And the War Has Only Just Begun: documenting many combative theory's behind The Coming Insurrection, in the detourment style of the situationist film, Society of the Spectacle
> the CALL
Fri Nov 20 @ 7
youth are waiting, day after day. they wait for their time, as do the workers, even the old. they all wait, those who are discontented and who reflect. they are waiting for a force to arise, something they they will be part of a kind of new international that will not make the same mistakes as the previous ones. they wait for a chance to get rid of the past once and for all- for something new to begin. We have begun. an insurrectional surge may be nothing more than a multiplication of communes, their coming into contact and forming ties. but least we forget that nothing exists outside the Totality of the Global Civil War; we cannot abandon to the death of civilisation our Prisoners of War. Sara Falconer, abolitionist with 4Struggle & Anarchist Black Cross, onliberation, armed joy and total freedom Ron Sakolsky, author and musician, on anarchy, surrealism and pirate radio launch of prisoner calender Certain days ( With that we take our leave of this entertaining diversion and return to regular English language programming-Molly )
The Right to the City:
Housing, Homelessness and the 2010 Olympics
Monday, November 23rd, 7-9pm,
Fletcher Challenge Theater,
SFU Harbour Centre
A Public Forum Hosted by the Impact on Communities Coalition
Reverend Ric Matthews, First United Church
Christine Ackermann, West End Residents Association
Wendy Pederson, Carnegie Community Action Project
Nathan Edelson, Former Senior Planner, City of Vancouver
Martha Lewis, Tenants Resource Advisory Centre
Am Johal, Impact on Communities Coalition
David Dennis, United Native Nations
Monte Paulson, Investigative Editor, The Tyee
Christine Smith-Parnell, Vancouver Aboriginal Transformative Justice Society
Moderated by Stefanie Ratjen, Board Member, Impact on Communities Coalition
When the Olympic bid process was underway, the Inner City Inclusive Commitment was signed in 2003 and included commitments around a housing legacy and protection from Olympic related evictions. This panel will lookat the impacts of the 2010 Olympics on housing and other urbanization processes underway in Vancouver including the crisis of affordability, the proliferation of homelessness and loopholes in tenancy legislation which are resulting in evictions (7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)
Security, Civil Liberties and the 2010 Olympics
Thursday, 26 November 2009
19:00 - 21:00
Fletcher Challenge Theater,
SFU Harbour Centre
Security, Civil Liberties and the 2010 Olympics: A Public Forum Hosted bythe Impact on Communities Coalition
David Eby, BC Civil Liberties Association
Stefanie Ratjen, Impact on Communities Coalition
Laura Track, Pivot Legal Society
Alissa Westergaard-Thorpe, Olympic critic
Representative from the Integrated Security Unit
Geoff Meggs, Vancouver City Councillor
Steve Sweeney, Vancouver Police Department
Margaret Dixon, VANOC
Moderated by Am Johal, Impact on Communities Coalition
The Right to Adequate Housing:
Global Issues, Local Actions
with Miloon Kothari A public lecture by the former UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing,
Commission on Human Rights Liu Institute for Global Issues,
Multipurpose Room
6476 NW Marine Drive,
UBC, Vancouver
Parking at Rose Garden Parkade off NW Marine Drive, or, Fraser Parkade, Memorial Drive off Marine Drive Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 5:30pm Sponsored by United Nations Association in Canada, World Federalist Movement of Canada, UBC’s School of Social Work, Liu Institute for Global Issues, and Habitat Exchange. The Dr. Richard B. Splane LectureFor further information, please contact: (604) 732 0448 or unacvancouver@gmail.com
Youth **Resistance through Art: How Will the Olympics Affect You?
A Special 2-Day Workshop on Art & Silkscreening*
*Are you worried about changes in your city due to the 2010 Olympics?
*Are you concerned about threats to the environment, arts & education and your rights as a young person in Vancouver?
*What do you feel most strongly about?
This two-part workshop will be an opportunity to share your concerns, ideas, and visions of change, and to express yourself through collective art-making. You will also learn how to silkscreen, so you can print your artwork by hand onto T-shirts, patches, and posters! Absolutely NO previous art experience necessary.
When: November 27th & 28th, 2009
Where: The Purple Thistle Centre 975 Vernon Drive, Room 260 Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory
Day 1: Friday, Nov. 27th 5 - 7 pm: Designing a Silkscreen
Day 2: Saturday, Nov. 28th12 - 3 pm: Printing the Silkscreens
Getting here (by bus) :Eastbound: Take the #22 to Venables @ Vernon Dr. Westbound: Take the #22 to Venables @ Clark Dr
This workshop is free -- but please register, as space is limited! We welcome the participation of youth of all ages. Dinner, lunch, bus fare, and supplies will all be provided. Unfortunately, the space is not wheelchair accessible. Please be in touch with any questions, concerns, or special requirements. Registration and contact info: orn.youth[at]gmail.com, or 604 347 8786. Organized by the Purple Thistle and Teaching 2010 Resistance
The Olympic Resistance Network presents
November 28th - 29th
10am – 6pm
Centre for Socialist Education
(706 Clark Dr, Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories)
In preparation for the convergence in February of 2010 the Olympic Resistance Network will be hosting a weekend of workshops on practical and important aspects of demonstrations and resistance. The workshops are free, food will be served and childcare will be provided. The space is not wheelchair accessible.
10am – 12 noon
A hands on crash course in answering tough questions by unfriendly media hounds. Learn how to keep your cool and how to stay on message. Manipulate the media before it manipulates you
12:30pm - 2pm
Surveillance & Counter surveillance
A workshop on surveillance & counter-insurgency methods used by state security forces to repress social movements, and how to counter them.
2pm - 4pm
Know Your Rights
Basic legal information and advice on citizen rights when interacting with the police.
4pm – 6pm
Street Tactics
An overview of the different strategies used by protesters to protect themselves and meet their strategic goals. A rough overview of manoeuvres used by anti-globalization protesters to overcome security forces.
10am - 2pm
This is an open workshop for everyone interested in developing skills and tactics to understand and deal with oppression and domination. This workshop will specifically aim to help us improve our decision making practices, group power dynamics, and on the ground support and solidarity from an anti-oppression perspective. Come and gain these important skills as they will in many respects determine the strength and success of the 2010 convergence!
2pm - 6pm
- Medic
Introduction to Street medic training and basic first aid including: What to bring, primary survey and scene assessment, working in pairs, chemical weapons and emotional response to stress. For more info call 604-764-5103 or email orn-logistics@resist.ca
Sunday November 29th @ 5 pm
Address: 1284 East 12th Avenue
"Community Policing": Presentation on the history/current face ofCommunity Policing. And the legacy of resistance to the GrandviewWoodlands Policing Centre.
FREE speakers series of Olympic critics and organisers ongoing most Mondays, 5pm, from Sept. 14 - Dec. 7.
Hosted by UBC's Green College.
The speakers begin at 5pm with time for questions (FREE, open to all, no reservations). Optional dinner with speaker at Green College starts at 6:30pm ($12 for students and $16 for non-students; reserve a spot by noon Sundays at 604-822-0912). (Molly Note-As mentioned earlier on this blog Molly found out that the RCMP were googling this phone number, the number of the kitchen. For whatever reason is beyond me. Musta been a slow day down in Ottawa. In any case it sort of gives a whole new shade of meaning to something like, "waiter, there's a bug in my soup". )
Located in the Green College Coach House at 6201 Cecil Green Park Road (north of NW Marine Drive).
MAP at www.maps.ubc.ca/?412 . For more info email alissawt@shaw.ca
- Monday, Nov. 30: "Understanding the Olympics as part of corporate culture." Garth Mullins. Mullins is a Vancouver-based social justice activist and member of the Olympic Resistance Network.
- Dec. 7: IOC Corruption: Would you take these people home to meet your loved ones?" Andrew Jennings. Mr. Jennings is the author of three books onthe IOC.
For the Right to Exist, Resist & Overcome Ideological, Cultural & Territorial Plunder!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Birge Carnegie Reading Room (Victoria College at the University of Toronto)
95 Charles Street West (Just East of Museum Station)
Toronto, ON
*In Memory of Our Mapuche Brother ALEX LEMUN & All Our Fallen Warriors
* A Night of Solidarity in Support of the Struggle by the West Coast Salish, Secwepemc, St’at’imc Nations together with the Mapuche Nation & Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. Featuring the Exclusive Premier Screening of the Documentary:“Native Youth Movement - Secwepemc Chapter - Boycott Sunpeaks Resort."
PLUS: Speakers Directly from Six Nations, Mapuche Documentaries, Live Music & Much More... CANADA: NO OLYMPICS ON STOLEN NATIVE LAND!CHILE: SHAME THE BICENTENARY ON MAPUCHE TERRITORY!
Olympic Awareness Week
Intro & Launch of The Dominion Olympic Issue
Organized by Resist 2010 (Kingston)
Monday, November 16, 2009
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Queen's University International Centre (QUIC)
87 Union Street,
Kingston, ON
The opening event of Resist 2010's Olympic Awareness Week features a short presentation by Resist 2010 members on why we are resisting the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, with a short film clip. It will be paired with the Kingston, ON launch of The Dominion's Special Issue on the Olympics. To be followed by a discussion/question & answer period.
coffee and tea, plus some baked goods!
Fauxlympics in Skeleton park 2.0
Organized by Resist 2010 (Kingston)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
2:00pm - 4:00pm
McBurney Park (Skeleton Park)
Come join Resist 2010, Queens University student and members of the Kingston community in Skeleton park for a family friendly afternoon of world class athletics. Come curl, come build your very own sea-to-sky highway, come tug-of-war with olympic issues. There will be entertainment, games, hot chocolate and a great chance to engage with, and learn about,Olympics in an open, safe, family friendly environment.
2010 Olympic Resistance Awareness Event
January 3rd @ the Portland State University
Native American Resource Center,
Portland, Oregon Speakers: Native Youth Mvmnt. Cornel Pewewardy (Head of the Native American Studies Department, Anti-Indian Mascot activist)Lakoda Robideau (nephew of Leonard Peltier. Leonard Peltier Defense Committee)
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