It's an anarchist bookfair by another name, perhaps one more true to what actually happens at such events, something like the word favoured in the Spanish speaking world, "encuentro", meaning more or less "encounter". More happens at anarchist bookfairs than just gazing at books laid out on a table. Building on their success this year with their "assembly" people are now laying out plans for a bigger and better one next year. If you live in the Toronto area consider hooking up and lending a hand. The following appeal is from the Ontario section of the Anarchist Black Cat discussion board.
Help build the 2010 anarchist assembly!:
Recently a group of anarchist activists who were involved in organizing the 2009 Toronto anarchist gathering got together to start planning a similar event for 2010.
Help build the 2010 anarchist assembly!:
Recently a group of anarchist activists who were involved in organizing the 2009 Toronto anarchist gathering got together to start planning a similar event for 2010.
What we came up with at our initial meeting was to call an anarchist assembly to be held in Toronto in March 2010.
We see this as a public assembly consisting of assembly meetings, workshops, book tables, and social spaces that will build the anarchist movement.
Attend the next organizing meeting!
The next organizing meeting for the 2010 anarchist assembly will be held:
Sunday November 29
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
252 Bloor St. West (St. George Subway)
Meet in the lobby
We encourage all anarchist activists to participate in making this a productive and exciting event for all.
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