The folks at the Ontario Platformist organization Common Cause have decided to turn their journal Linchpin into a monthly online effort. It's probable that they will continue to produce print editions in the future for special events, but the new format gives them a much wider readership at a considerably lower cost. It also allows for a much more frequent publication schedule. Here's the announcement for the first online issue, for November 2009.
Linchpin.ca : Education Strikes and Analysis:
For November the first monthly web edition of Linchpin.ca focuses on struggles for access to education and striking education sector workers in Ontario.
Linchpin.ca : Education Strikes and Analysis:
For November the first monthly web edition of Linchpin.ca focuses on struggles for access to education and striking education sector workers in Ontario.
Starting us off, is Common Cause member Alex D's lively McMaster Strike blog written straight from the lines of the CUPE 3906 strike in Hamilton where he's busy as a Picket Captain coordinator.
In a fact-packed column Edward Wong tackles the hard question facing Ontario students of whether to Pay tuition or pay the rent?
We're proud to welcome Jeff Shantz to Linchpin as our new State Repression Columnist and his article on the social cleansing of Vancouver's poor and indigenous people in the run-up to the Winter Olympics is a must-read for anyone interested in the Games.
Wrapping up this month is an introduction to anarchist thought on education in Anarchism 101: Education or training?
We hope you enjoy this month's regular online edition of Linchpin.ca and stay tuned for upcoming news coverage of the November 5 day of action for a poverty-free Ontario organized by the Canadian Federation of Students and labour and community organizations such as the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.
Common Cause
P.O. Box 347, Station E
772 Dovercourt Rd.
Toronto, ON, Canada,
M6H 4E3
Email: commoncauseontario@gmail.com
Web: http://linchpin.ca
Online Forum: http://anarchistblackcat.org/viewforum.php?f=61
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