The following call for a demonstration against planned transit fee hikes this December 12 is from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).
TTC Fare Hike? Hell No!:
TTC Fare Hike? Hell NO!
TTC Fare Hike? Hell NO!
Make Transit Affordable!
Public Action Against the Transit Fare Hikes
Saturday, December 12th
Toronto City Hall (Queen and Bay)
City officials and TTC Chairman Adam Giambrone have announced that the Toronto Transit Commission is facing a $100-million deficit in its operating budget for next year. On November 17th they voted for a TTC fare hike of 25 cents/fare and almost $30/monthly pass that will kick-in on January 3rd. That is $6 for ONE round trip on transit! This increase is outrageous and unacceptable.
Lately, we've been hearing a lot about shortfalls and deficits. We cannot forget where these deficits come from. When this economic crisis hit, the federal and provincial government quickly found BILLIONS of dollars to bailout banks and corporations. Now these same governments want us to believe that they can’t find any money to support public transit?!? Riders already cover more than 80% of TTC operating costs and it is by far the least-funded mass transit system in North America. THEY created this crisis, THEY ran up these deficits, and now WE are paying for it.
For poor and working people in this city, especially for families, transit costs are already too high and often unaffordable. This fare hike will hurt the people who are already struggling to make ends meet in these hard times. The TTC deficit should not be loaded onto the backs of people who need transit. It should not be paid for by poor and working people and it should not be paid for by the workers who run the buses, subways and streetcars.
We must act now. Paying more for transit is only one attack on already inadequate public services. Lay-offs and deeper cuts to all essential services are coming next if we don't fight back. Our communities need affordable transit, we need real income levels, affordable housing, childcare, and affordable education. Transit is a necessity and it is basic right. Not only should this fare hike not go through, but transit should be federally funded and affordable for everyone. Come out December 12th - say HELL NO to Fare Hikes in Toronto!
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
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