Here's the latest news about events and articles concerning the ongoing resistance to the upcoming Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympics from the Olympic Resistance Network.
Updates and Events:
Reminder, ORN General Meeting (open to all!)
Sunday Nov 8,
ORN General Meeting 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
*** Upcoming Anti-Olympics Events and Meetings:
1) No2010 Victoria: Anti-Olympic Festival disrupts Torch Relay
2) Call for Cross Canada Mobilizing: Extinguish the Torch!
3) Nov 2: Olympic security with David Eby. UBC free speaker series.
4) Nov 5: 2010 Welcoming Committee planning meeting
5) Nov 19: Launch of Dominion's special Olympics issue
6) November - Sunday evening film series at Spartacus
7) York University: Submissions For Our Upcoming Issue “2010"
Anti-Olympic Festival and March disrupt Torch Relay send-off in Victoria:
No2010 Victoria calls event "a victory for rights and justice"
Victoria, Coast Salish Territories, November 1, 2009 - Over 400 people gathered to oppose the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay in Victoria on Friday, October 30th at an "Anti-Olympics Festival" and "Zombie March" organized by No2010 Victoria. The march succeeded in disrupting the relay, and security personnel were forced to extinguish the torch, load it in a van,and reroute it in order to reach the Legislature. ("Funny" how little this was reported in the mainstream media-Molly )
"Our events were a victory for rights and justice," said No2010 spokesperson Zoe Blunt. "We took a strong strand on respecting indigenous rights to land, defending civil rights, and ending poverty, and people across the country are thanking us for our dedication."
The day of action against Torch Relay celebrations began with a "Five Ring Circus" featuring speakers, performance art, puppets and satirical competitions such as the "Binners' Olympics," the "Tour de Misplaced Finance" and "Queer Wrestling."
"It was a lot of fun!" said Bitey the Bed Bug, one of the anti-Olympics mascots. Later in the afternoon, a "Zombie March" replete with stilt walkers, a marching band and a giant "Ghost Salmon" puppet wove through city streets and blocked a major intersection outside an RBC bank for over 30 minutes.
RBC is one of the Vancouver Winter Olympics' most important sponsors and a major investor in the tar sands, the most environmentally destructive project in Canada.
"We wanted to expose the empty rhetoric of a Green Games," said No2010 organizer Kim Croswell. "Parading a giant Ghost Salmon was our way of pointing out how wrong-headed government priorities are in the midst of global warming and the collapse of salmon runs on the West Coast."
Continuing along the relay route, hundreds of marchers braving rain and cold weather cheered loudly when it was announced that the Torch had been diverted in order avoid the procession. Marchers ended at the site of the corporate-sponsored Torch Relay Celebration, where they infiltrated the crowd chanting "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land" and "Homes Before Games."
"Disrupting the Torch sends a strong message that blowing $6 billion on a sports extravaganza is far from popular," said No2010 Victoria spokesperson Tamara Herman. "The people profiting from the Olympics are not the people most affected by cuts to sectors such as welfare, affordable housing, harm reduction, health care, education, the arts and-ironically-amateur sports."
"The day of action was a day of solidarity uniting a broach spectrum of people," added No2010 spokesperson Danielle Hagel. "It sent a strong message that the Olympic Torch Relay will face opposition right across the country."
"This action demonstrates how effective we can be when we act together, even in the face of police aggression and unwarranted surveillance", said Blunt. "The group was strong, and showed remarkable self-control andcommitment to the cause. We want to congratulate everyone who joined in."
no2010.com Report on Torch Relay:
2010 Olympic Torch Relay Starts Off Disgraced, Delayed, and Disrupted
The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay sparked controversy after its official lighting in Greece on October 22, 2009, when it was revealed that one of the runners in a seven day relay around the country was disgraced Olympian Fani Halkia. Ms. Halkia was disqualified during the 2004 Greece Olympics after winning gold in the 400 meter hurdles, only to later test positive for steroids. She had been banned by the IOC for two years. IOC, Vanoc andGreece officials brushed off the controversy, but Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson called it a 'disappointment' for the broader 'Olympic movement.'
The official Canadian 2010 Olympic Torch Relay also got off to a rough start on Friday, October 30, 2009, arriving 90 minutes late at Victoria International Airport due to bad weather. After it was flown in onboard a Canadian military Polaris jumbo jet, it was transferred to local Indian Act band chiefs. The flame, still carried in a miner's lantern which was lit in Greece (very symbolic considering BC's multi-billion dollar mining industry), was then paddled in a band council canoe into Victoria's inner harbour. From here it was used to light a cauldron and one of the 12,000 official torches made by Bombardier (shaped like a giant marijuana joint; Bombardier is the second largest military manufacturer in Canada).
Thetorch was then ran around the city for the rest of the day by celebrity athletes, corporate employees, and citizens specially selected to run one leg of the relay. Meanwhile, some 150-200 people gathered at Spirit Square (formerly Centennial Square) at 2 pm for the Anti-Olympic Festival of Resistance.This event was organized by No2010 Victoria, a coalition of grassroots community groups in the city. The festival featured speakers, singers, performers, puppets, banners, a marching band, and many in costume. Speakers represented groups from local Native tribes, university students, anti-poverty & homeless rights advocates, needle exchange workers, seniors groups, environmentalists, and others.
Around the square were as many as 30 cops in total, standing around in groups of 4-6. In three buildings overlooking the square (one of which was City Hall) more cops could be seen in the lobbies and moving up and downstairs. On one building, two black-suited cops stood on the roof observing the crowd with binoculars. At 4:30 pm the Zombie March Against the Olympics began. At this time, there were probably 40-50 cops, from both the Victoria Police Department & Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) assembled in the square, all wearing yellow rain jackets. These police followed the march on the sides and to the rear, at times mingling in the crowd (along with undercover cops).
As the protesters moved through the downtown area, there were additional groups of police, including seven cops on horses from the Vancouver Police Department, who then also attached themselves to the demonstration. Overhead, an RCMP helicopter circled for the duration of the protest. Altogether, several hundred police were involved in security operations at both the protest as well as the Provincial Legislature building (where the big concert-type event was to occur in the early evening).
The protesters followed a designated flag and a large red banner with 'No Olympics on Stolen Native Land' emblazoned around the 5 rings. Medics were dispersed throughout the crowd, with arm bands and kit bags. Legal observers from the BC Civil Liberties Associations, decked out in bright orange shirts & carrying clipboards, as well as some video cameras, were also spread around the crowd. The assembled ghouls & zombies, which quickly grew to some 400, along with the pigs and spooks, 'snake marched' throughout the downtown streets, snarling traffic for over two hours during rush hour.
The main city intersection outside the Royal Bank of Canada on Douglas street was blocked for 30 minutes, with buses being turned around the street (RBC being one of the main financiers of the Tar Sands in northern Alberta and sponsor of the Torch Relay & Olympics). The group also made stops outside the Hudson's Bay Company department store (the first colonial government of the colony, from 1849-59, and now a corporate sponsor for 2010), as well as Bastion Square (where many Native chiefs & warriors were hanged by the government in the past).
As the sky darkened and it began to rain, the march worked its way downside residential streets, which turned out to be part of the Torch Relay route. A thin, sporadic crowd of spectators lined the route, some of whom cheered the protesters. The main slogans used in chants were 'No Olympics on Stolen Native Land', 'Homes Not Games', 'Whose Streets? Our Streets!', and the crowd's favourite '1,2,3, 4... Fuck the Olympics!'.
To help communicate information throughout the crowd, 'call & response' was used, in which those who can hear the speaker repeat short statement she/she makes by shouting them, so that those in the rear can hear the message. Frequent warnings were given for the crowd to stay together. A few more intersections were blocked for 10-15 minutes as the march continued, until organizers informed the crowd that the torch had been rerouted and that sections of it had been cancelled because of the protests. From here, the march began another long trek to the Legislature buildings (Victoria is the provincial capital of 'British Columbia').
Asit neared to within 1 block, another 50 or so police could be seen blocking an intersection. Some 25-30 of these then moved towards the crowd, which had stopped. At this point, some organizers directed the crowd to turn around, but some refused and began to chant 'Whose Streets? Our Streets!' After a couple of minutes the police line dissolved into the march, which then continued on towards the Legislature. The steady drizzle had by now turned into heavy rain. When the protesters reached the Legislature buildings, they were routed through crowd control fencing and into the soggy, muddy, lawn area where the small, thinned out pro-Olympic spectators were gathered.
Here there were even more cops. The protesters then worked their way forward until the red banner was to the left of the main stage. A large 'Poverty Olympic' flame prop carried by the protesters was tall enough to block one of stage lights, which helped illuminate it. As the protesters arrived, the concert had a local Native performer doing pop songs and trying to hype the crowd, with a loud powerful sound system and fireworks (along with a flaming cauldron that would periodically erupt into a huge fireball). Although the Olympic sound system was loud, the combination of the protester's marching band and chants succeeded in disrupting the event,with some citizens later complaining their 'once-in-a-life-time' experience had been ruined because of the protest (as well as those ofs ome of the torch relay runners).
When the last peformer had finished, the emcee rushed through his final remarks while the crowd chanted even louder: 'No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!' After a few minutes of reorganizing, the march withdrew from the Legislature lawn and walked back several blocks to Spirit Square, followed by 20-30 cops. After reaching the square, having marched for over 4.5 hours and rallying for seven, the protest dispersed in small groups. There were no reported arrests.
One media account stated that marbles had been used at one point in the march to restrict the movement of the horse mounted cops. Despite the police, government & corporate media hype about 'violent protesters', and the heavy police presence, the cops were clearly under orders to act in a restrained manner and to avoid provoking a major confrontation. Protesters also showed restraint, with no acts of vandalism or direct action other than blocking the streets and making noise at the concert (both of which were effective).
For the anti-Olympic movement, the Victoria torch relay disruption was a victory, and it is hoped that this action will inspire other communities to carry out similar protests against the Olympic Torch Relay as it passes through their area.
Mobilize Against the Olympic Torch Relay!
RBC Out of the Tar Sands!
Stop Coca Cola's Human Rights & Environmental Violations!
No Olympic Police State!
No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!
* Route details below *
From October 31 2009 - February 12 2010, the Olympic Torch Relay “A Path of Northern Lights” will be traveling across Canada. The Olympic Resistance Network, based in Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories, is calling on and encouraging our allies to coordinate efforts in over 2000 communities to oppose and resist the Torch Relay. The origins of the Torch Relay lie in the dark history of the 1936 Games in Berlin, where it was devised as a means to spread Nazi fascism and to promote the Third Reich. The Royal Bank of Canada and Coca Cola are the main sponsors of the 2010 Torch relay. RBC is the top financier of the environmentally devastating Alberta Tar Sands, while Coca Cola has been responsible for health degradation as part of the junk food industry, massive depletion of groundwater and toxic waste pollution in India, and involved in hiring paramilitary groups to violently repress union organizers in Colombia.
It is becoming increasingly evident that far from being simply about sport, the 2010 Olympics is rooted in displacement, corporate greed, militarization, and repression. While Olympic corporate sponsors are getting bailed out, Indigenous lands are being stolen, more people are becoming homeless, thousands are losing their jobs and access to public services, the environment is being destroyed, and civil liberties are being eroded as over a billion dollars are being sunk into security and surveillance measures.
This Torch Relay will be the longest in-country relay in Olympic history, giving us the chance to make some anti-Olympic history!
No Olympics onStolen Native Land! ==>
If you are organizing an event or action in your city, town, or community please email us the details at olympicresistance@riseup.net so we can compile the information and build strength and unity in our efforts by having this information available on our website. Basic route details (see links below for full information) are as follows:
Oct 30 - Nov 5, 2009: through BC, Yukon, and Northwest Territories:Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Snuneymuxw, Esquimalt First Nations, Tla-o-qui-aht, Qualicum, Courtney, Campbell River, Whitehorse,Taku River Tlingit, Dawson City, Kugluktuk, Yellowknife, and others.
Nov 6 - Nov 15, 2009: through Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, Quebec, and New Foundland: Fort McMurray, Cold Lake, La Ronge, Thompson,Qausuittuq, Iqaluit, Kuujjuaq, Gaspé, Labrador, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Sheshatshiu, St. John’s, St. Anthony, Grand Falls-Windsor, and others.
Nov 16 - Nov 28, 2009: through Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands, and New Brunswick: Sydney, Whycocomagh, Port Hawkesbury, Truro, Paq’tnkek, Antigonish, Halifax, Bear River FN, Lunenburg, Charlottetown, Moncton, Sussex, Saint John, Fredericton, Esgenoôpetitj, Grand Falls, and others.
Nov 29 - Dec 11, 2009: through Quebec: Rimouski, Baie-Comeau, Les Escoumins,Saguenay, Lévis, Saint-Georges, Black Lake, Victoriaville, Sherbrooke, Drummondville, Trois-Rivières, Longueuil, Kahnawá:ke, Beaconsfield, Mont-Tremblant, Montréal, Laval, Gatineau, and others Dec 12, 2009 - Jan 4, 2010: through Ontario: Ottawa, Pikwàkanagàn, Akwesasne, Kingston, Tyendinaga, Peterborough, Toronto, Hamilton, St.Catharines, Six Nations, Brantford, Oneida, Leamington, Windsor, Sarnia, London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Barrie, Huntsville, Temiskaming, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Red Rock FN, Kenora, and others.
Jan 5 - Jan 20, 2010: through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta: Winnipeg, Sioux Valley Dakota, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current,Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Moosomin FN, Edmonton, Wetaskiwin, Red Deer,Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Calgary, Canada Olympic Park, Stoney Nation, andmore.
Jan 21 - Feb 11, 2010: through BC: Golden, Cranbrook, Nelson, Trail, Osoyoos FN, Penticton, Kelowna, Vernon, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Kamloops,100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Prince George, Smithers, Gitanmaax, Fort St. John, Terrace, Bella Bella, Powell River, Sechelt, Squamish, Whistler, Lil’wat, Merritt, Fraser Valley, Lower Mainland and others.
* Full route information: Complete listing by day:
http://www.vancouver2010.com/dl/00/68/42/-/68420/prop=data/119u8t6/68420.pdf Interactive Map:
Provincial and Territorial Routes:
* About the Olympic Resistance Network:
Why we Oppose the 2010 Games:
Video at:
Contact us at olympicresistance@riseup.net
Teaching 2010 Resistance responds to “heavy-handed” allegations by Solicitor General
October 26, 2009 – Funding cuts to B.C. schools, totaling over $118 million, coincided with the September launch of the controversial “Spirit School” curriculum, an Olympic propaganda campaign with a budget four times the size of the axed B.C. School Sports. Community-based Teaching 2010 Resistance recently reignited debate with the release of an alternative curriculum exploring social and environmental concerns associated with the Olympics.
The mention of a critical teaching curriculum has raised the spectre of dissent for government officials and Olympic bigwigs. Solicitor General Kash Heed, Premier Gordon Campbell and top Olympic cop Bud Mercer have urged teachers to reject the project’s “critically-minded” teaching resources, which educators have the chance to preview this Wednesday.
“It’s a bit ludicrous to have people like [Solicitor General] Kash Heed accusing you of inciting criminal activity just for bringing a critical perspective to young people,” observes Marla Renn of Teaching 2010 Resistance. Last week, Heed was quoted in The Province saying that the group intends to “use the classroom to recruit kids to break the law [and] to commit acts of vandalism.”
Says Renn: “That’s a pretty heavy-handed accusation. If Heed had looked, he would have seen that all our materials are open-ended and discussion-based. We present a critical argument, but we’re not there to make kids agree with everything we say. If a teacher has a problem with any of the content, they are welcome to modify it before presenting it to their classes.”
Premier Gordon Campbell expressed concern that the initiative forces youth into the midst of a political debate which will “take away” from children’s “enthusiasm.” Community organizer Nat Marshik responds, “Youth have been excluded from practically all critical debate over the Olympics – it seems they are only welcome if they’re celebrating. But today’s youth will inherit all the Olympic legacies – including environmental degradation, impoverished social and educational services, restricted civil liberties, and government debt. Whether we like it or not, youth are directly impacted by the Olympics, and they have a right to be included in an honest discussion of its costs.” More i
nformation: contact orn.youth@gmail.com ; http://teach2010.org
FREE speakers series of Olympic critics and organisers ongoing most Mondays, 5pm, from Sept. 14 - Dec. 7. Hosted by UBC's Green College.
The speakers begin at 5pm with time for questions (FREE, open to all, no reservations). Optional dinner with speaker at Green College starts at 6:30pm ($12 for students and $16 for non-students; reserve a spot by noon Sundays at 604-822-0912).
Located in the Green College Coach House at 6201 Cecil Green Park Road (north of NW Marine Drive). MAP at www.maps.ubc.ca/?412 .
For more info email alissawt@shaw.ca -
Monday, Nov. 2: "Olympic security and civil liberties: A lasting legacy." David Eby. Eby is the Acting Executive Director of the BC Civil Liberties Association.
- Monday, Nov. 16: "The myth of the Green Games." Harjap Grewal and Dustin Johnson. Grewal, Council of Canadians, is a member of No One is Illegal,and the Olympic Resistance Network. Johnson is an Indigenous activist.
- Monday, Nov. 30: "Understanding the Olympics as part of corporate culture." Garth Mullins. Mullins is a Vancouver-based social justice activist and member of the Olympic Resistance Network.
- Dec. 7: IOC Corruption: Would you take these people home to meet your loved ones?" Andrew Jennings. Mr. Jennings is the author of three books on the IOC.
Help build the 2010 Welcoming Committee!
(* Post Widely.)
Meeting to plan a public mobilization for the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics (on February 12, 2010):
** Thursday, Nov. 5, 7 - 9pm
SFU - Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings St., Rroom 2245
Vancouver BC - Coast Salish Territory
The Olympic Resistance Network, StopWar.ca, Vancouver Status of Women, Anti-Poverty Committee, No One Is Illegal - Vancouver, Work Less Party, Social Justice Centre - UBC, Pink Resistance, Student Christian Movement -UBC, and Streams of Justice have endorsed the 2010 Welcoming Committee and a mass demonstration to coincide with the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games and the arrival of the Olympic torch from its RBC sponsored cross-country relay.
The 2010 Welcoming Committee invites you/your group to join in organizing this event. Other than the date and general location (Feb. 12 and close to the opening ceremonies at BC Place Stadium), the messaging, event plan,and specifics are up to those who choose to participate in the planning.
The goal is to include a wide range of activist, Indigenous, social justice, environmental, anti-poverty, labour, civil libertarian, anti-globalization, community, anti-war, women's and other groups and individuals to build a broad and accessible protest presence. This group is united by a social justice critique of the 2010 Olympics.
As the Winter Olympics begin, we need to show the world that there is opposition and to articulate the negative impact it has on our communities and environment. The very act of demonstrating and marching in the downtown core has become a defiant act as many of the streets and sites have been specially purposed for the Games with bylaws that restrict speech, protest, mobility, and assembly.
The agenda is open to public input and determined by who participates, but includes further outreach, brainstorming ways of creative resistance and protest, and gathering feedback and input about how the 2010 WelcomingCommittee could help develop an inclusive, accessible and vocal public mobilization.
** Thursday, Nov. 5, 7 - 9pm
SFU - Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings St., Room 2245
Vancouver BC - Coast Salish Territory Contact:
If you are unable to attend but are interested in being involved, please email us your contact information so we can add you to the organizing list.
Launch event for the Dominion's special issue on the 2010 Olympics
Thursday, November 19, 7:00pm
Rhizome Café, 317 E Broadway
Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory
Accessible space, childcare available.
The Vancouver Media Co-operative in collaboration with The Dominion will be hosting a launch event in Vancouver to celebrate the publication of the special issue on The Olympics. Join us in an informal setting where we will discuss strengthening grassroots media and distributing the new special issue!
Speakers on the 2010 Olympics TBA.
For more information please email:
olympics@mediacoop.ca or call: 604 6306864
Please visit
http://www.dominionpaper.ca/ for more details.
"In Canada, you will find a nation that works every day towards creating the conditions of the Olympic ideal." --Jean Chrétien
The "Olympic Ideal" is part of one of the world’s most successful marketing campaigns, built around concepts that almost everyone can agree upon: world-class amateur sport and peaceful competition. But a rising chorus of critical voices say that the Olympics are deeply implicated in the expropriation of land, money and resources. From movements demanding "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land" to angry business owners, resistance to the Olympics economic and social agenda is growing.
The Olympics budget includes a billion dollars for security. A billion dollars each will be spent on a new convention centre, a larger highway to Whistler, and SNC Lavalin's rail link from the Vancouver airport to downtown. In the political and economic manoeuvres leading up to the 2010 Olympics, a different "ideal" has been revealed – one of exclusive contracts, sponsorship deals, displacement, social cleansing, and corruption. At times, sport seems like an afterthought. Many of the real stories behind the Olympics remain to be told.
In the Dominion's special issue on the Olympics, dozens of activists and journalists from across the country tell some of these stories. Thousands of copies of the Olympic special issue will be printed and distributed through grassroots networks across Turtle Island in November 2009.
November Schedule of Movies at Spartacus
Every Sunday in November at 684 East Hastings at 8:30 pm
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1ST : “anti-olympics” OpPOsition to Olympic Torch Relays, a few Short inspiring films/footage captured in the last decade (Sydney, Turin, Beijing...)
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8TH : “ecological destruction”“h2oil” and “tar sands and water, fort mckay, fort chip”. Impacts of the Tar Sands development in northern Alberta and the defenders of the(ir )land who are standing up against it.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15TH : “native struggles”Gustafsen Lake Standoff in 1995, A few short films documenting The three month standoff on secwepemc territory.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29TH : “women’s struggles”“Some American Feminists” Documenting one of the most significative Movements in the 1960’s & early 70’s, second wave feminism Inspirational interviews with Ti-Grace Atkinson, Rita Mae Brown, Bettty Freiden, Margo Jefferson, Leila Carb and Kate Millet.
Write to us at vanrad@hotmail.com for more info
The York University Free Press is Now Accepting Submissions For Our Upcoming Issue, “2010”
Our second installment will focus on various social and political events that will be taking place in Canada, particularly the Vancouver winter Olympics, G8 summit in Huntsville, Ontario, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America. Our “2010” issue aims to raise awareness about, and mobilize our readers in, addressing future political decisions that have the potential to perpetuate continued systems of oppression and exploitation in Canada and throughout the world.
Below is a list of topics which we would like to cover in our “2010” issue:
-Vancouver: A stolen land
-The Olympics as a tactic to legitimize colonial activities
-Social and ecological impacts of the Olympics
-Indigenous resistance to the 2010 Olympics
-Corporate activities and exploitation of Indigenous land
-G8 member countries and the global economic system
- Queers against G8
-Transnational feminist perspectives on G8
-Third world debt
-The People’s Summit
-Critical perspectives on the Make Poverty History campaign
- Security and Prosperity Partnership
- How does maintaining optimism or pessimism in the future affect social mobilization on a group level of analysis?
-How can we explain the disjuncture which often occurs between social movement goals and outcomes?
-To what exent should activists/social movements place expectations on their future outcomes and what should happen when these goals are met or not met?
Please note that you are not bound to follow our chosen themes, feel free to submit pieces that are important to you! As well, please send us letters to the editor(s), campus & community events, photos (w/ proper credit), and drawings or designs. The deadline for the 2010” issue is November 13, 2009.
Please submit allarticles, photos, community event notices, and art to info@yufreepress.org
However, it is never too early to send in your submissions. All general inquiries and submissions can be sent to: info@yufreepress.org
Suggested word counts:
News: 50 to 750 words
Features: max 2000 words
Comments: max 1200 words
Arts: max 1500 words
Our past issues have been a great success, and we continue to garner more support and interest as our membership grows. For that, we thank our readers, writers, and for all those who have helped the YU Free Press in our quest to cultivate a space for the critical assessment of the politics around us.
We look forward to receiving your submission(s),
YUFP Editorial Collective
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