Friday, June 08, 2007

On his way to the G8 summit in Germany Emperor George Bush II spent Monday night and Tuesday have a little tete-a-tete with Czech president Vaclav Klaus and the Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek. Both these officials have shrugged off popular opposition to the construction of a radar base in the Brdy military base southwest of Prague. Polls suggest that 60% of Czechs are opposed to the construction. Villages located near the proposed site have held referendums and voted overwhelmingly against the project. In Poland, where the interceptor missiles are planned to be located, 75% of the population opposes their government's participation in the plan.
Ten different demonstrations, all peaceful, were held at various places and by various groups on Monday and Tuesday in Prague. Anarchists gathered near the Prague Castle where government offices are located which was closed to the public because of Bush's visit. There's a short clip on You Tube of the anarchist demonstration. Because of demonstrations at the US Embassy in Prague Bush's motorcade was diverted to the downtown Hilton Hotel. For more news about the demonstrations go to
The banner above reads "Nato: Death for Sale" in Czech.

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