The following came to Molly's attention via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. It's originally from the international union federation, the IUF. There's a website and a Facebook page for the international campaign to make Nestlé treat its workers fairly
Stop Nespressure in Russia!
Rights and Recognition for Nestlé Waters Workers and their Union!
In November 2009 workers at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo, near Moscow, joined together to do something about eroding real wages and deteriorating working conditions. They formed a legal union - and management responding by harassment, discriminatory work assignments, cutting drivers' wages by half and sacking the union vice-chair, who was formally accused of damaging the company by doing his job too well! The workers are determined to defend their union and win their rights - you can support them by using the form below to send a message to management of Nestlé, the world's largest food company.
The letter
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Nestlé management.
To Stefan De Loecker, Market Head Russia
cc Alfredo Silva, Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources - Zone Europe
Dear Sirs
I am shocked to learn that management at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo has responded to the formation of a union by imposing pay cuts on drivers who join the union and by firing the union vice-chair Sergei Strykov on January 27. I call on you to immediately reinstate Strykov, to reinstate all union members to their former driver work assignments, to end all anti-union discrimination through rates, bonuses and job assignments and to enter into good faith negotiations with the union on working conditions and overtime pay.
Yours sincerely
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