The following story and appeal for solidarity comes from the Good Electonics Network, an international network for "human rights and sustainability in electronics".
Chinese battery producer fails to be a decent employer
Chinese battery producer Gold Peak Industrial Holding Ltd is under fire by Chinese and international labour groups for failing to be a decent employer. Year-long struggles of (ex-) workers with cadmium related health problems have not yet resulted in an acceptable solution. Gold Peak unilateral decision to close down and relocate its Shenzhen-based Jet Power plant, completely disregarding workers interests, has caused distress. Recently, a strike erupted at Power Pack, another Gold Peak subsidiary in Huizhou, China, over wages and benefits. The management's response so far has been totally inadequate. Chinese labour groups have addressed Gold Peak via two open letters, dated 10 and 31 December 2009 respectively.
Gold Peak batteries are used in all types of toys and electronics products.
Chinese battery producer fails to be a decent employer
Chinese battery producer Gold Peak Industrial Holding Ltd is under fire by Chinese and international labour groups for failing to be a decent employer. Year-long struggles of (ex-) workers with cadmium related health problems have not yet resulted in an acceptable solution. Gold Peak unilateral decision to close down and relocate its Shenzhen-based Jet Power plant, completely disregarding workers interests, has caused distress. Recently, a strike erupted at Power Pack, another Gold Peak subsidiary in Huizhou, China, over wages and benefits. The management's response so far has been totally inadequate. Chinese labour groups have addressed Gold Peak via two open letters, dated 10 and 31 December 2009 respectively.
Gold Peak batteries are used in all types of toys and electronics products.
Support the Gold Peak workers and Chinese labour rights groups in their struggle for labour rights
On 28 April 2009, on the occasion of the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers, GoodElectronics reported about the ongoing struggle of Chinese cadmium poisoned workers, addressing their (former) employer Gold Peak Industrial Holding Ltd for compensation and redress. GoodElectronics called upon Gold Peak and its subsidiaries to listen to the concerns and demands of the affected workers and take appropriate steps to resolve the lingering conflicts. Moreover, GoodElectronics called upon electronic brand name companies sourcing from Gold Peak to look into the issues raised by Gold Peak workers and Chinese labour groups and to put their policies regarding supply chain responsibility in practice.
GoodElectronics appeals to Gold Peak to improve its record
Since then, Gold Peak has made some little steps towards its workers, but the overall picture is still rather grim. It is now time for Gold Peak to structurally improve its labour record. Gold Peak should ensure that the management of its respective subsidiaries engages upon meaningful negotiations with its workers and their representatives on the basis of equality and transparency, in order to resolve disputes over wages, benefits and compensation packages.
GoodElectronics will also address buyers of Gold Peak products.
Click here to join and send a letter to Gold Peak >
The Letter:
Please go to the links above or to this link to send the following letter to Gold Peak management.
Mr Victor Lo
Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Co. Ltd.
Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung
New territories
Cc. info@goodelectronics.org
Dear Mr Lo,
Concerned by reports of Globalization Monitor Ltd. and other Chinese and international labour groups, I am calling upon Gold Peak to respect workers rights and to improve working conditions at your subsidiary Power Pack in Huizhou, China. I am especially concerned about the crippled right for compensation and redress of cadmium-affected (ex-) workers of Gold Peak Industries.
Dear Mr Lo,
Concerned by reports of Globalization Monitor Ltd. and other Chinese and international labour groups, I am calling upon Gold Peak to respect workers rights and to improve working conditions at your subsidiary Power Pack in Huizhou, China. I am especially concerned about the crippled right for compensation and redress of cadmium-affected (ex-) workers of Gold Peak Industries.
I am joining Globalization Monitor Ltd. and other labour groups in their call upon Gold Peak to ensure that the management of Gold Peak subsidiary Power Pack engages upon proper negotiations with its workers and their representatives on the basis of equality and transparency, in order to resolves disputes over wages and benefits.
I support Globalization Monitor Ltd. and other labour groups in stressing that the right to assembly is a basic right according to the Chinese constitution. Dismissing an employee as a punishment for being detained by the local police is unacceptable. I support the demand made to the Power Pack management to reinstate or fully compensate Ms Wang Fengping.
I also support Globalization Monitor Ltd. and the other labour groups in their demand that the Power Pack management looks into the violence used against striking workers by the company’s security guards in December 2009, and to pay the hospitalisation costs of the injured workers.
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