The following story and appeal for solidarity with workers at Dole Plantations in the Philippines comes from the International Labour Rights Forum
Urgent Solidarity for Dole Workers in the Philippines!:
Workers in the Philippines are just like workers here in the U.S. who want a decent job so that they can provide for their families. Just two weeks ago ILRF staffer Brian Campbell sat down with some unionized workers in the Philippines to learn more about recent change on a Dole plantation there.
Urgent Solidarity for Dole Workers in the Philippines!:
Workers in the Philippines are just like workers here in the U.S. who want a decent job so that they can provide for their families. Just two weeks ago ILRF staffer Brian Campbell sat down with some unionized workers in the Philippines to learn more about recent change on a Dole plantation there.
Unfortunately what we found out is that things have gotten worse for workers there and especially those workers that have chosen to be part of the independent union. Even more shocking we learned that some of the workers that Brian met with may have been suspended or fired from their jobs within hours of meeting with him.
As ILRF has highlighted in our past two reports on the worst global corporations for recognizing the right of workers to organize, Dole has frequently violated freedom of association. These latest incidents are part of a disturbing pattern of abuse. It's time to tell Dole that this behavior is unacceptable and must end now.
Please join us in expressing your urgent solidarity with union leaders at Dole Philippines.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the managers of Dole Plantations.
I am outraged to learn about recent violations of workers' freedom of association at your pineapple facility in the Philippines.
It is clear that Dole Philippines must immediately change the way in which it engages and negotiates with the union AK-NAFLU-KMU in order to develop a more productive relationship between workers and management. This breakdown in industrial relations at Dole Philippines came as a direct result of the meeting between Kevin Davis, Robert Buranday and military operatives in the Philippines in 2006 where Mr. Davis and Mr. Buranday began working with the military to defeat the workers' democratically elected union AK-NAFLU-KMU at Dole Philippines.
The abuses of trade union rights are unacceptable and must be immediately addressed.
I call on you to take the following actions:
1) Dismiss Dole Philippines managers Kevin Davis and Robert Buranday immediately for working with the military and UR-Dole to conduct an intimidation campaign against the workers and their democratically elected union leaders for the past four years.
2) Cease all support of UR-Dole and denounce its efforts to campaigns against the union AK-NAFLU-KMU.
3) Recognize Jose Teruel and union officers of the independent union AK-NAFLU-KMU at Dole Philippines.
4) Stop violating the collective bargaining agreement and the law and provide all workers the full benefits and protections they workers' have earned.
5) End the growing use of labor-only contracting and ensure all workers enjoy the right to security of tenure.
6) Immediately review all Dole owned facilities and subcontractors for their adherence to international labor standards especially freedom of association as defined by the International Labor Organization.
I look forward to your urgent attention to these critical issues at Dole Philippines and throughout Dole's supply chain.
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