This might be one of those rare instances of "truth in advertising". Down illinois way the 'Whirlpool Corporation' very much lived up to its name as it sucked up $19 million in bailout money. Ah, but now this great sucker seems poised to spit out jobs, to the tune of 1,100 workers. To say the least this is not the only corporation that has violated the spirit if not the letter of the US Adminisration's economic bailout. So far the US government has done little than wring its hands at the many instances. The Jobs With Justice Coalition hopes to do more. Here's their appeal.
Save Jobs in America's Heartland:
Americans are angry, and for good reason.
Save Jobs in America's Heartland:
Americans are angry, and for good reason.
Corporate greed and reckless Wall Street speculators created the worst economic crisis in a generation -- and big businesses like Whirlpool are continuing to put their profits ahead of the needs of workers and our communities.
Sign the petition to save 1,100 jobs in America's heartland.
Whirlpool Corporation took $19 million in economic recovery funds -- but now plans to eliminate 1,100 good jobs by shutting down a world-class plant in Evansville, Indiana.
JwJ is joining the AFL-CIO and IUE-CWA in mobilizing against this plant closure, and petitions will be delivered to Whirlpool this coming Friday, Feb 26 at a major march led by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
Sign the petition today! And forward to your friends to sign!http://www.unionvoice.org/ct/U1_xDw71HQLy/
If you are in the area near Evansville, IN and can come to the rally on Friday, Feb 26, please click here to let us know:
Whirlpool is one of many examples of the jobs emergency faced in our country. Toyota, Hugo Boss and other big companies are threatening closures. Public services our communities need and the jobs to provide those services are being cut.
JwJ and our allies have called for mobilizations across the country during March to send a wake-up call to Congress demand bold action to save and create jobs. Check out the JwJ blog for more info:
Sign this petition either via email (please see directions below) or via the web at:
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.
We encourage you to take action by March 1, 2010
Save Jobs in the Heartland-Whirlpool
We the undersigned call on Whirlpool Corp. to reverse its decision to close its Evansville, Indiana, plant, send work toMexico and eliminate 1,100 good jobs. With record profits and economic recovery funds that should be creating jobs in this country, Whirlpool should not turn its back on America.
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