
Speaking of Makhno... here's an update from the Nestor Makhno Archives about the latest on their site.
Nestor Makhno Archive - update
The Nestor Makhno Archive has finally had a long-overdue update, with the addition of over 70 new documents in Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Major additions are made to the Italian and Spanish sections, and we have also added Nick Heath's excellent selection of biographies of some Makhnovists to the English section, along Vyacheslav Azarov's fine study of the Makhnovist connection with the Kronstadt Revolt.
Also included are the first translation of the Organizational Platform into Croatian and revised translations in Italian and Czech.
As usual, all contributions of documents for inclusion, suggestions etc. are gratefully received.
In solidarity,
Nestor McNab
•The Anarchist Revolution, Nestor Makhno
•Октомври 1917, Пьотр Аршинов
•Нестор Махно, Анархистическа група “Васил Икономов”
•Биографични данни за участници в махновското движение, Анархистическа група “Васил Икономов”
•Махновщината и Анархизмът, Революционната въстаническа армия на Украйна (Махновци)
•Organizacijska platforma Sveopćeg saveza anarhista (nacrt), Grupa ruskih anarhista u inozemstvu
•Organizační platforma všeobecného svazu anarchistů (návrh), Skupina ruských anarchistů v zahraničí [revidovaný překlad]
•Organizační platforma světového svazu anarchistů, Skupina ruských anarchistů v zahraničí
•Bouřlivák: Anatolij Železňakov, Paul Avrich
•Anarchisté za mřížemi (léto 1921), Gaston Leval
•The Kronstadt Revolt - the Gulyai-Pole Connection, Vyacheslav Azarov
•Living my life (extracts), Emma Goldman
•The Makhno Movement and Opposition within the Party, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit
•Leah Feldman, Workers Solidarity
•Piotr Arshinov, Nick Heath
•Iosif Izaakovitch Gutman, Nick Heath
•David Kogan, Nick Heath
•Trofim Yakovlevich Vdovichenko, Nick Heath
•Avraam Budanov, Nick Heath
•Ossip Tsebry, Nick Heath
•Dermenzhi, Nick Heath
•1921: The Maslakov mutiny and the Makhnovists on the Don, Nick Heath
•The Brothers Parkhomenko, Nick Heath
•Zhivoder, Nick Heath
•Simeon Pravda, Nick Heath
•Ivanyuk, Nick Heath
•Mikhail Brova, Nick Heath
•Lev Nikolaevich Zadov (Zinkovsky), Nick Heath
•Olga Ilyinichna Taratuta, Nick Heath
•Viktor Fedorovich Belash, Nick Heath
•Grigor Kobets: The Makhnovist playwright, Nick Heath
•Secret Order No.96/s, Trotsky
•L'anarchisme et notre époque, Nestor Makhno [Traduction révisée]
•Notre organisation, Nestor Makhno [Traduction révisée]
•La Synthèse Anarchiste, Voline
•Παλαιά και νέα στοιχεία στον αναρχισμό (Μια απάντηση στη Μαρία Isidine), Πιοτρ Αρσίνοφ
•A Kronstadti felkelés emlékére, Nyesztor Mahno
•A forradalmi fegyelemrõl, Nyesztor Mahno
•Nyílt levél a spanyol anarchistákhoz, Nyesztor Mahno
•Piattaforma Organizzativa dell'Unione Generale degli Anarchici (Bozza), Gruppo degli anarchici russi all'estero [traduzione revisionata]
•Supplemento alla "Piattaforma Organizzativa": domande e risposte, Gruppo degli Anarchici Russi all'Estero
•L'Anarchismo e la nostra epoca, Nestor Makhno
•La nostra organizzazione, Nestor Makhno
•Sulla disciplina rivoluzionaria, Nestor Makhno
•Sulla questione della difesa della Rivoluzione, Nestor Makhno
•Al Congresso della Union Anarchiste Communiste Révolutionnaire, Nestor Makhno
•Il problema dell'organizzazione e la nozione di sintesi, Gruppo degli Anarchici Russi all'Estero
•Una sintesi anarchica, Volin
•Risposta ai confusionari dell'Anarchismo ed alla "Replica alla Piattaforma" firmata da alcuni anarchici russi, Gruppo degli Anarchici Russi all'Estero
•Il vecchio ed il nuovo nell'Anarchismo, Petr Aršinov
•Organizzazione e Partito, Maria Isidine
•Vecchi retaggi e novità nell'anarchismo, Petr Aršinov
•Ancora sulla "responsabilità collettiva": qualche precisazione, Il Gruppo del XVIII° dell'Union Anarchiste Communiste Révolutionnaire
•Bozza di dichiarazione del 1919, Esercito Insorto Rivoluzionario (Makhnovista) dell'Ucraina
•Први Мај: Симбол на една нова ера во животот и подвигот на работниците, Нестор Махно
•Морское Гуляйполе, Вячеслав Азаров
•Махно в Париже, Л. Никулин
•El Abecedario del anarquista revolucionario, Nestor Makhno
•¿Guerra o revolución? La Batalla de Alexandrovsk - Enero de 1918, Nestor Makhno
•El poder "soviético", su presente y su futuro, Nestor Makhno
•La Makhnovtchina y el antisemitismo, Nestor Makhno
•Lenin y el leninismo, ¿guías del proletariado mundial?, Nestor Makhno
•Los caminos del poder "proletario", Nestor Makhno
•Nuestra organización, Nestor Makhno [nueva traducción]
•Proyecto de declaración adoptado por el Soviet Revolucionario Militar, en su reunión del 20 de Octubre de 1919, Ejército Insurrecional Revolucionario de Ucraina (Makhnovista)
•Por el X aniversario del movimiento insurrecional Makhnovista en Ucraina, Nestor Makhno
•Unas palabras de los Makhnovistas a los trabajadores cosacos del Don y del Kuban, Ejército Revolucionario Insurrecional de Ucrania (Makhnovista)
•Camaradas campesinos, Ejército Revolucionario Insurreccional de Ucrania (Makhnovchina)
•Abajo el combate fratricida, Insurgentes makhnovistas
•Memorias de un partisano Makhnovista, Ossip Tsebry
•"Махновщина", пісня
Related Link: http://www.nestormakhno.info
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