In recent days the State of Wisconsin has seen what may be the most significant labour rebellion in decades as tens of thousands protest and even invade and occupy the state legislature to express their opposition to the recent bill that proposes to basically abolish collective bargaining for public employees. Wisconsin, however, is not the only state in the union that is attempting to unload its fiscal crisis onto the backs of its employees. Thus solidarity rallies are being called nationwide to oppose this attack on working people.
Here's news item from
Jobs With Justice about the scope of these rallies.
Worker Solidarity Growing: Wisconsin to IN, OH and Beyond
In this still-struggling economy, our country needs one thing: more good jobs. But instead of focusing on finding ways to create good jobs, politicians have turned their attention to political payback to the corporate
CEOs who spent more than $1 billion on the November elections.
In states across the country, workers are fighting back against corporate-backed lawmakers who are trying to use state budget problems
as an excuse to gut workers’ rights and benefits, when in fact it was Wall Street’s gambles and broken promises that have hurt taxpayers and the middle class—not workers.
CEOs are trying to shift the blame for high unemployment and rising poverty levels away from themselves and onto workers and our unions.
But we won't let that happen. Workers across the country -- from Wisconsin to Indiana, Ohio, and beyond -- are fighting back.
In Wisconsin, workers, students, community, and faith have joined together to
stage massive protests this week against Governor Walker’s budget proposal which would gut collective bargaining rights for 200,000 public workers. Tens of thousands of people are putting their everyday lives on hold to stand in solidarity. Student Labor Action Project activists in Wisconsin have been mobilizing on a daily basis to the capitol.
**Beginning Monday, workers, students, faith leaders, and community allies will be holding solidarity rallies in their own states. Plan your own action, or contact your local
JwJ coalition to find out if there is already an action planned in your area.
**Thousands of people are changing their
facebook status to say, “Today I stand with in solidarity with the teachers, firefighters, nurses, and all public workers who are fighting for their rights. If you do too, change this to your status for the rest of the day.”
Student Labor Action Project is organizing a March 2
nd Public Need vs Corporate Greed Day of Action. Stay tuned for more details on these actions in days to come.
**In Ohio, working people are also fighting a repeal of collective bargaining rights for the teachers, firefighters, nurses, and other public servants who provide vital services in our communities. Yesterday, thousands of people, including members of Columbus and Toledo
JwJ, converged on the capitol to
rally against Senate Bill 5.
JwJ coalitions throughout the state, including Cleveland and Columbus, are gearing up for more actions in the coming weeks, including more actions at the capitol, vigils, town hall meetings, and rallies in key cities.
**In Indiana, working people are
fighting several anti-worker bills, including so-called "Right to Work" legislation that makes it easier for companies to lower wages and cut benefits.
JwJ coalitions across the state have been taking action at the state house and holding hearings and press conferences. They're gearing up for a hearing on Right to Work and visits to the state house every day next week.
In other states across the country, including Maine, Florida, and Missouri,
JwJ coalitions are fighting back against anti-worker legislation
ranging from Right to Work to corporate tax breaks to fighting to keep the state's minimum wage.
Make no mistake - these attacks on working people
aren’t about balancing any budget – they’re about corporate
CEOs using politicians to make sure that nothing gets in the way of their ability to bring home huge paychecks and even bigger bonuses.
CEOs know that workers united through unions are one of the few remaining protections workers have from unchecked corporate greed. They want to weaken or eliminate unions so that the voices of all workers are weakened.
Corporations want to control how our communities spend money. They want to cut public sector jobs instead of closing tax loopholes, privatize pubic sector jobs so that they can profit, and do away with agreements that ensure government contractors pay decent wages and don’t cut corners on safety. Meanwhile, politicians are asking working people to sacrifice vital public services like firefighters, teachers, and nurses so that they can give tax breaks, bailouts, and tax loopholes to corporations and
CEOs may have more money than we do, but we have strength in numbers. We need to come together to curb unchecked corporate power and restore the balance to our politics. It’s time for politicians to come together to create real solutions to the problems that are facing ordinary Americans.
At a time of record economic inequality, these laws that direct more money to corporations will only widen the gap between the wealthy and the poor, enriching a lucky few while forcing more people into poverty. Who will control our communities: working people or corporations?