It's coming up this weekend, the third Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair in Hamilton Ontario. Here's the announcement. Drop on down if you're in the area.
Join us for the 3rd annual Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
10:00am - 4:00pm
Westdale High school
700 Main St. West
Hamilton, ON
It is time again to join us for our third edition of the Hamilton Anarchist Book fair. Please come in big numbers. Vendors from across Ontario and beyond will be present again providing a variety of literature. We will hold several workshops this year with the main theme being the G8/G20 summit and links to local struggles.
Again this year free childcare and free food will be provided. The space is ramp accessible with all events on the main floor and a bigger bathroom is available. A gender neutral bathroom will be available. The event will be advertised as a scent-free space. We do try to make this event as accessible as possible for everybody so if you have any specific needs, please contact us at hamiltonanarchistbookfair@gmail.com.
Come learn about anarchist ideas for the first time or deepen your knowledge. Meet local organizers and connect with local struggles. Stick around for the after party!
Organized by Common Cause - Hamilton
Workshop Schedule:
1. Insurrectionary Anarchism vs. Mass Anarchism
with Peter Gelderloos, author of How Non-Violence Protects the State
The debate has been going on a long time, and it doesn't look like it's going to be solved any time soon. This talk and discussion will look at ways different, often opposing anarchist approaches to revolution can be complementary, what are the common misunderstandings between these perspectives, and what useful critiques have they developed that others can stand to gain from.
2. Within and Against in the Public Sector
When the G20 leaders meet in Toronto the World Bank and World Trade Organization will be at the table. These institutions call for "open markets, the reduction of trade barriers and the promotion of global competitiveness". For those in the public sector how does G20 World Bank and WTO policy impact our workplaces and the work we do with our clients/students. Can we maneuver around institutions that only want "globally competitive workers" or worse to shut down the public sector completely.
12-1:00pm - Free Lunch!
3. Introducing the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly
with Sarah Declerk, organizer with the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly
In October of 2009, community and union activists met in Toronto and formed what is now the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly (GTWA). The Assembly calls on anti-capitalists to join together in a democratic process to create a new politics. Since the first Assembly, there have been two others. Membership in the new organization is over 200 people with many members active in various committees. Each Assembly has been attended by a number of Hamilton activists. Come to this workshop to learn about why and how the assembly came to be, some of successes and some of the challenges involved in the process, and to talk about what it would look like to initiate such a process here in Hamilton.
4. Know Your Rights
A workshop with legal professional Leah Henderson
What rights do you have when confronted by the police?
What "rights" do the police have that you don't?
What rights do "citizen journalists" have?
What do you need to know and say if you are arrested?
What are your rights at a protest or rally?
What do you need to know about the law to protect yourself, your
friends, and your community?
Come learn from experienced activist, legal professional, and
organizer Leah Henderson, who will run through a basic "Know Your
Rights" workshop as well as answer questions.
5. Creative Class Struggle
We are a Toronto-based collective who are organizing a campaign challenging the presence of Richard Florida and the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto, as well as the wider policies and practices they represent.
2:30 -3:30pm
6. Aerotropolis
Hamilton City Council's economic vision includes the development of an "aerotropolis" - an air transport-centred development strategy that aims to turn hundreds of hectares of farmland into warehouses, trucking depots and industrial parks on the assumption that goods will continue to move with increasing ease around the globe, and that Hamilton's projected increase in population can in part be employed through this plan. Don McLean - former chair of Friends of Red Hill Valley and Environment Hamilton co-founder - will chronicle the unfolding of this plan, the shaky predictions it is based upon, and efforts to oppose it.
7. Gord Hill, author of The 500 Years of Resistabce Comic Book.
The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book is a powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion under Christopher Columbus and ending with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006. Gord Hill spent two years unearthing images and researching historical information to create The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, which presents the story of Aboriginal resistance in a far-reaching format.
Gord Hill is an activist from the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation in British Columbia. A long time organizer for indigenous sovereignty, he organizes with the Native Youth Movement (NYM) based in Vancouver and runs Warrior Publications.
For more information, contact commoncauseontario@gmail.com
Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/eve ... 6520919549
Join us for the 3rd annual Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
10:00am - 4:00pm
Westdale High school
700 Main St. West
Hamilton, ON
It is time again to join us for our third edition of the Hamilton Anarchist Book fair. Please come in big numbers. Vendors from across Ontario and beyond will be present again providing a variety of literature. We will hold several workshops this year with the main theme being the G8/G20 summit and links to local struggles.
Again this year free childcare and free food will be provided. The space is ramp accessible with all events on the main floor and a bigger bathroom is available. A gender neutral bathroom will be available. The event will be advertised as a scent-free space. We do try to make this event as accessible as possible for everybody so if you have any specific needs, please contact us at hamiltonanarchistbookfair@gmail.com.
Come learn about anarchist ideas for the first time or deepen your knowledge. Meet local organizers and connect with local struggles. Stick around for the after party!
Organized by Common Cause - Hamilton
Workshop Schedule:
1. Insurrectionary Anarchism vs. Mass Anarchism
with Peter Gelderloos, author of How Non-Violence Protects the State
The debate has been going on a long time, and it doesn't look like it's going to be solved any time soon. This talk and discussion will look at ways different, often opposing anarchist approaches to revolution can be complementary, what are the common misunderstandings between these perspectives, and what useful critiques have they developed that others can stand to gain from.
2. Within and Against in the Public Sector
When the G20 leaders meet in Toronto the World Bank and World Trade Organization will be at the table. These institutions call for "open markets, the reduction of trade barriers and the promotion of global competitiveness". For those in the public sector how does G20 World Bank and WTO policy impact our workplaces and the work we do with our clients/students. Can we maneuver around institutions that only want "globally competitive workers" or worse to shut down the public sector completely.
12-1:00pm - Free Lunch!
3. Introducing the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly
with Sarah Declerk, organizer with the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly
In October of 2009, community and union activists met in Toronto and formed what is now the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly (GTWA). The Assembly calls on anti-capitalists to join together in a democratic process to create a new politics. Since the first Assembly, there have been two others. Membership in the new organization is over 200 people with many members active in various committees. Each Assembly has been attended by a number of Hamilton activists. Come to this workshop to learn about why and how the assembly came to be, some of successes and some of the challenges involved in the process, and to talk about what it would look like to initiate such a process here in Hamilton.
4. Know Your Rights
A workshop with legal professional Leah Henderson
What rights do you have when confronted by the police?
What "rights" do the police have that you don't?
What rights do "citizen journalists" have?
What do you need to know and say if you are arrested?
What are your rights at a protest or rally?
What do you need to know about the law to protect yourself, your
friends, and your community?
Come learn from experienced activist, legal professional, and
organizer Leah Henderson, who will run through a basic "Know Your
Rights" workshop as well as answer questions.
5. Creative Class Struggle
We are a Toronto-based collective who are organizing a campaign challenging the presence of Richard Florida and the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto, as well as the wider policies and practices they represent.
2:30 -3:30pm
6. Aerotropolis
Hamilton City Council's economic vision includes the development of an "aerotropolis" - an air transport-centred development strategy that aims to turn hundreds of hectares of farmland into warehouses, trucking depots and industrial parks on the assumption that goods will continue to move with increasing ease around the globe, and that Hamilton's projected increase in population can in part be employed through this plan. Don McLean - former chair of Friends of Red Hill Valley and Environment Hamilton co-founder - will chronicle the unfolding of this plan, the shaky predictions it is based upon, and efforts to oppose it.
7. Gord Hill, author of The 500 Years of Resistabce Comic Book.
The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book is a powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion under Christopher Columbus and ending with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006. Gord Hill spent two years unearthing images and researching historical information to create The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, which presents the story of Aboriginal resistance in a far-reaching format.
Gord Hill is an activist from the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation in British Columbia. A long time organizer for indigenous sovereignty, he organizes with the Native Youth Movement (NYM) based in Vancouver and runs Warrior Publications.
For more information, contact commoncauseontario@gmail.com
Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/eve ... 6520919549
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