A blog devoted to anarchism, socialism, evolutionary biology, animal behavior and a whole raft of other subjects
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear Mr. Cousins,
In December 2006, the direction of your subsidiary company, Eurest Support Services, in Algeria, denied its employees the right to constitute a union to defend and negotiate their collective interests. Your company chose to support management in its error and to make an individual, Yassin Zaid, shoulder the blame by suspending his work contract and by pressing various charges of slander, in particular on the Internet.
Your local management could have recognized the union and negotiated peacefully with its representatives for the better of all concerned. Instead of that, your actions have drawn the attention of the independent trade unions of Algeria to your anti-union policies and practices. The Algerian press is featuring articles on the same. From now on, the international trade union movement is alerted. Instead of crushing an incipient trade union, as your representatives thought they could, you have drawn the attention of the whole world to your anti-union practices. Workers, your customers, in all countries and on all continents are aware that your trademark is tarnished.I highly encourage you to abandon all legal proceedings against Mr. Yassin Zaid, elected Secretary of the union at ESS, Algeria, and to negotiate the conditions of his reinstatement in his professional and union functions.Lastly, I urge you to adopt on a planetary scale, not just declarations of intent, but a real policy of recognition of trade unions and of collective bargaining backed up by training for your local managers.
Yours Faithfully,
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Members of CUPE 4829 and CUPE 4830 were certified in 2006 and are still without a first collective agreement. The members work at two Hellenic Homes for the Aged in Toronto. The negotiations have been long and drawn out with an employer who shows no respect for CUPE members and the union in general. There are a number of issues with this employer including multiple disciplines, terminations and suspensions. Please e-mail the management team with this message, or create your own.
Friday, May 29, 2009

For months now thousands of activists have raised concerns about the Canada Colombia free trade agreement. CUPE members, concerned Canadians and members of other unions have campaigned to stop the implementation of the Canada Colombia FTA.

[English below]
Installation du CSA
Grande Manifestation d'appui
29 mai 2009 - 17h30
au Parc St-Gabriel, à deux pas du MÉTRO CHARLEVOIX
Le CSA s'installe enfin dans un bâtiment abandonné de Pointe-Saint-Charles afin de poursuivre et d'étendre ses activités sociales, culturelles et politiques. Toutes les personnes concernées par la création d'espaces enfin libérés du rouleau compresseur de la mise en chantier de condos dans nos quartiers sont conviées à une grande manifestation festive, familiale et éclatante. Pour des fins de sécurité, le CSA demeurera fermé pour la première nuit, mais la rue devra vibrer de notre présence. L'heure est cruciale, et seul un rapport de force significatif en assurera le succès.
Au programme de la soirée : Cirque, fanfare, feu, animation de rue, investissement massif et joyeux d'un lieu déserté par ses propriétaires afin d'y installer un des premiers CSA près de chez nous.
Activité au campement extérieur le 29 mai
*Musique et animation de rue
*Conférence de presse
*Spectacle de Feu avec accordéon et percussions
*Projection de films :
*Zone d'autonomie CSA
*historique des occupations
*Le CSA un projet ancré dans le quartier
*Stratégie médiatique du Centre Social Autogéré
*Activité au campement extérieur le 30 mai
*Animation de rue durant la journée
*Activité pour les enfants (à confirmer)
Horaire :
8h00 Déjeuner
9h30 Point de presse
10h00 Assemblée générale
12h00 Dîner
13h00 Atelier sur l'auto défense contre des charges criminelles pour avoir squatter
15h00 Tournée anti-olympiques au Québec
18h00 Souper
20h00 Spectacle d'ouverture
Visite du Centre Social Autogéré
Chorale libertaire de Pointe-St-Charles
Musique acoustique
spectacle de feu
4 DJ
(( English version ))
Installing of the ASC
Great support demonstration
May 29th, 2009 – 5:30 pm
In the St-Gabriel Park, next to CHARLEVOIX metro station
The ASC is finally moving into an abandoned building in Point-St-Charles in order to pursue and extend its social, cultural and political activities. Anyone concerned with the creation of spaces liberated at last from the road roller of colonizing condo construction projects in our neighbourhoods is invited to this great festive, family-friendly and blazing demonstration. For security reasons, the ASC will remain closed for the first night, but the street will have to vibe with our presence. This is a crucial hour, and only a significant balance of forces in our favour will ensure its success!
Program for the night: Circus, brass band, choral songs, street animation… The massive and joyous take-over of a space deserted by its owners, and setting up one of the first ASCs around here.
Salon du livre anarchiste/Montreal Anarchist Bookfair
Molly est confusé. Je pensais que le Centre Social Autogéré déjà eu un lieu. Est-il possible que un des lecteurs de Montréal peut m'éclairer?/Molly is confused. I thought that the Centre Social Autogéré already had a location. Can any of the readers from Montreal enlighten me ?

What happened when Gov. Schwarzenegger drove by?:
Earlier this week, thousands gathered outside the Capitol in Sacramento, California to protest the pending home care cuts.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Labour Movement, Indigenous Workers and Indigenous Solidarity:
IWW Canada
Saturday, June 13, 2009
11:00am - 1:00pm
Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre (3rd floor, above Mondragon)
91 Albert Street
Winnipeg, MB
This event is part of the Industrial Workers of the World North of 49 Conference, and is graciously sponsored by the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anarchists call Police report comparing activism to hate crime "chilling":
HAMILTON- Local members of the provincial anarchist organization Common Cause fear Hamilton police are seeking to criminalize local organizers after a Hamilton police report identified the 2nd annual Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair as a potential source of hate crime.
While presenting the Year-End Hate Crime report (available online)to the Hamilton Police Board on May 19, acting sergeant Michael Gochstated police would be “actively monitoring” the book fair scheduled to take place on June 6.
Alex Diceanu, Ontario Treasurer of Common Cause responded, "As the organizers of the annual book fair, and as local anarchists and activists, Common Cause is deeply disturbed by these statements.
"This is a manipulation of hate crime laws to criminalize activism. At this time of economic and environmental crisis, alongside increasing political disengagement, activism and educational events such as the book fair should be encouraged, not chilled with surveillance."
The report also identifies the 2010 G8 summit (Huntsville, ON), the 2010 Olympics, “local native land reclamation issues”, “the anarchist movement” and “anti-government and anti-establishment reaction of economic crisis and job losses” as trends and events that “may have significant impacts and repercussions on the Hamilton community in terms of hate/bias related incidents.”
For the first time the report also includes incidents of graffiti aimed at police even though this contradicts the report's own definition of a hate crime.
Diceanu commented, "We are concerned that public resources meant to investigate hate crimes are being focused upon people trying to improve this community."
The Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair is not a threat to the community.
It is open to the public and family-friendly, featuring free child care and a kid's workshop.
Over 300 people attended last year's book fair. Activists will gather again this year to exchange literature and other forms of information.
Workshops at the book fair attempt to address issues faced by marginalized groups named in hate crimes legislation, including indigenous peoples, racialized groups, people facing disability barriers and others. Other workshops address the economic crisis, environmental justice and workplace organizing.
"Common Cause's Basic Policy states clearly that, and I quote, 'we actively oppose all manifestations of oppression such as racism, sexism, [religious] sectarianism and homophobia and we struggle against them.'
Indeed, anarchists have always sought to understand and end all forms of oppression in our struggle to create a world marked by true equality, freedom, peace, and harmony with the natural environment" says Diceanu
The full police report is available here (look for the May 19 Hamilton Police Services Board Public Agenda package at the top of the page).
For more information please contact:
For the second year in a row, Hamilton will be home to Ontario's only Anarchist Book Fair, happening June 6, from 10am to 4pm at Westdale Collegiate, 700 Main St. West . Over 300 people from all over southern Ontario took part in Hamilton's first anarchist book fair, held last June.
For those not familiar with anarchist book fairs you can expect a couple dozen or so publishers and book stores to be on hand offering literature in various forms (as well as the occasional t-shirt) at affordable prices. You can expect to find just about every social justice issue covered from the enviro

You will also be able to attend a series of talks and workshops as you take a break from browsing books. Workshop topics include environmental justice, workplace organizing, Palestinian and First Nations struggles against colonialism, disability politics and more. A kids' workshop, organized by and for children, will also be held so parents are encouraged to bring along their little ones. Wayne Price, author of “The Abolition of the State: Anarchist and Marxist Perspectives” will feature as the key note speaker. He will be speaking on the current global economic crisis. For full details including a list of vendors and workshop descriptions please see the book fair's website at http://hamiltonanarchistbookfair.wordpress.com/vendors/
Admission is free. Lunch and child care will also be provided free of cost. The building is wheelchair accessible from the back parking lot.
The book fair is organized by the Hamilton branch of Ontario anarchist group, Common Cause. They can be contacted for more info at hamiltonanarchistbookfair@gmail.com.

June 2nd National Day of Protest - 2 juin, journée nationale de manifestation:
