Wednesday, July 28, 2010



The G20 summit is over and done, and the media pays hardly any attention anymore as it moves on to newer and brighter spectacles. this is despite the events of the "police riot" and their mass arrests, events that were simply unprecedented in Canadian politics. What follows is a statement from the Toronto Community Mobilization Network about how they feel about what happened. I emphasize the word "feel" as much of what follows is subjective, and my own subjective feeling is unease that such things are taken are criteria of success. For myself I would hardly be so optimistic, no matter how much I wish the people in Toronto well. Time will tell.
Statement from the Toronto Community Mobilization Network


(July 26, One month after the G20 summit)

Since September 2009, we’ve worked to challenge, disrupt and abolish the G8/G20. We used the fleeting moment of the G8/G20 summit to further organize Toronto’s community struggles against the impact of colonial, capitalist policies that seek to weaken us everyday.

And we succeeded.

From June 21 to 27, 2010, nearly 40,000 people took to the streets, gathered in discussion, watched movies, set up a tent city, danced and fought. This in itself is a victory.

For the first time, an economic summit saw a march of thousands against colonization and for Indigenous sovereignty (on June 24). This in itself is a victory.

Instead of simplifying our diverse struggles in to one issue, we supported
actions for Queer and Trans Rights, for Environmental Justice, for Income
Equity and Community Control Over Resources, for Gender Justice and Disability Rights, for Migrant Justice and an End to War and Occupation. We created the conditions for over 100 grassroots organizations to come together, to build relations, to grow stronger together. This in itself is a victory.

For the first time at a G8/G20 Summit (on June 25), we saw communities in ongoing resistance, people of color, poor people, Indigenous people, women, disabled folk, queer folk and others leading the Days of Action. This in itself is a victory.

Knowing that our freedom will rise from an attack at all fronts, respectful of the traditions and needs of safety and efficacy of all our friends; we ensured that actions with conflicting tactics took place separately. There is not a single instance of people caught up in actions not of their making. This in itself is a victory.

For months, we were followed, intimidated, arrested, our meetings infiltrated by state thugs. Many of us were snatched in pre-dawn and early morning raids on the day of the G20 meeting, yet we were not swayed. We came together, gathered strength and continued to support the demonstrations. This in itself is a victory.

So while 1,090 people have been arrested, thousands beaten, illegally detained, searched, harassed and abused. While over 300 people face criminal prosecutions for their ideological and political actions, and while multiple instances of so-called conspiracy trials and politically motivated targeting continues, we insist, this June 2010, on the streets of Toronto, the people won.

One phase of our work is complete. A new one must begin. Many of us are organizers in community groups and will be returning to them, we urge you to join us.

Many of us are activists inspired by our collective power these last few months, we intend to form new spaces and organizations for justice, we urge you to do the same.

Many of us will continue to fight for freedom for our friends facing repression, we urge you to support us.

The organized resistance in Toronto has emerged stronger, unified, connected. We take this moment to send our solidarity to the organizations and groups across the world to continue their struggles. Take action in your communities. Build lasting movements for justice free of state violence.

Have an inspiring story, picture or video, email them to . It is imperative that we remember the joys
with the pain.

Some reports on Abolish the G8/G20 Convergence 2010; +; +; +; +; +; +;
To continue to support the defence fund, visit;

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