Friday, April 03, 2009

The following appeal for online solidarity is from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). It's about the plans of the City Council in Windsor Ontario to lock out municipal workers later this month. You might call it taking advantage of hard times. Here's the story...
Windsor City Council: lockouts are bad for the economy‏:
le français suit
Municipal workers in Windsor Ontario are poised to be locked out by their employer but there's still time to get city council back to the table.

Windsor's Mayor, Eddie Francis needs to hear from CUPE members across the country that public services like those delivered by CUPE locals 82 and 543 are important supports for people in the community who are struggling with the effects of the recession.

CUPE 82 and 543 negotiators are waiting at the table for management to come back as each day brings them closer to a mid-April strike lockout deadline.

City representatives are acting irresponsibly and it could paralyze public services when the citizens of Windsor need them most.
Send an email to Windsor City Council now.

Please forward this message to friends and family in the Windsor area who share your concerns.
Conseil municipal de Windsor : les lock-outs sont mauvais pour l’économie:
Les travailleurs municipaux de Windsor, en Ontario, pourraient bientôt être mis en lock-out par leur employeur, mais il est toujours temps de convaincre le conseil municipal de revenir à la table.

Les membres du SCFP de tout le pays doivent faire savoir au maire de Windsor, Eddie Francis, que les services publics comme ceux que fournissent les membres des sections locales 82 et 543 du SCFP sont des soutiens importants pour les citoyens qui luttent contre les effets de la récession.

Les négociateurs des sections locales 82 et 543 du SCFP attendent le retour à la table de la direction car chaque jour les rapproche de la date-butoir d’une grève ou d’un lock-out à la mi-avril.

Les représentants de la ville agissent de manière irresponsable car ils pourraient paralyser les services publics à un moment où les citoyens de Windsor en ont le plus besoin.
Envoyez un courriel dès maintenant au conseil municipal de Windsor.

Veuillez transmettre ce message à des amis et à des membres de votre famille de la région de Windsor qui partagent vos préoccupations.
Please go to the link highlighted above (en anglais ou en français) to send the following letter to the Windsor City Council.
I support high quality public services that are delivered locally by public sector workers who work hard, take pride in their work and who are part of our community.

I do not support cutting back public services at a time when our city needs them most.

I do not think freezing wages will improve our local economy and I do not support City’s efforts to take away retiree’s benefits.

I support a quick resolution of these negotiations and support the workers in their effort to reach a fair deal.

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