Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Here's an appeal for help on an upcoming tour of Mohammed Khatib, an activist from the Palestinian village of Bil'in.
Bil'in in Canada‏:

Bi’lin committee needs help organizing its Canadian speaking tour from June 1st – June 21st 2009. The speaking tour will present both Bil’in village’s ongoing struggle to save it’s land from annexation and the legal case raised by the village against Green Park Int and continued Israeli settlement expansion in Canada. The speakers will be Mohammad Khatib of the Bilin popular committee against the Wall and settlements, a representative of the office of attorney Michael Sfard as well as Attorney Mark Arnold of Montreal who are representing Bil’in in their case against Canadian companies building illegal settlements on their land.

Bi’lin village, a Palestinian community that has resisted Israel’s Apartheid wall which annexes and isolates villager’s land, is looking for help organizing a Canadian speaking tour in preparation for the upcoming hearings against Green Park. International. Green Park International and Green Mount International, both Quebec registered construction companies, are being sued by Bi’lin for their role in helping to construct the illegal Israeli settlement of Mattityahu East, which is built on village land. The Fourth Geneva Convention as well as Canada’s own Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, prohibit occupying forces from establishing settlements at the expense of indigenous populations.
For more background information about the lawsuit, please see
For more info on Bil'in see

Bi’lin’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements is seeking to hold both companies accountable for their complicity in the illegal annexation of their land. There are upcoming court hearings on the lawsuit on the 22nd, 23rd, and 25th of June.The Popular Committee is looking for help from Palestinian solidarity activists in Canada to organize events as part of an advocacy speaking tour. Fundraising will also be needed to help cover the legal costs of this important case.If you can help organize an even in your area, please contact:

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