Monday, August 27, 2007

Presently here in Winnipeg it's 10:37. At the present time the Moon is shining brightly with good visibility in the East. One can locate Jupiter in the southern sky easily, but most of the western sky seems to be obscured by clouds that have drifted in during the past two hours. Hopefully this will change by early morning when the eclipse is due to occur.
The forecast from the folks at the Clear Dark Sky clock is good for the duration of the eclipse except for its beginning hour from 4:00 am to 5:00 am. where they predict an extensive cloud cover. Other than that the cloud cover is supposed to be less than 30%. I guess it's which 30% that is covered which counts.
The Clear Dark Sky Clock, by the way, is a great tool for anyone living in North America. It gives viewing conditions for hundreds of sites spread across both Canada and the USA, along with other relevant data such as temperature, wind speed, air transparency, etc.. It's also a great portal to other info for the amateur astronomer. Take a gander while waiting for the eclipse.

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