Molly has added a whole slew of new links to this blog recently. Under the blogs section are a number from New Zealand including Aotearoa Anarchist, Auckland's Burning, Capitalism Bad But Tree Pretty, SNAP and an anarcho-capitalist blog William Gillis. From Australia comes Contradiction, and from the USA comes the blog of social anarchism Janet Biehl and Mother Anarchy, for the anarchist parent. Also from the USA is an interesting blog called Buddhist Anarchism.
In the general links section I've added Ideas for Action and the website of the New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists. Also the site of the Wombles in the UK. These are anti-globalization activists and more.
Finally, under the 'Other Interesting Links' section I've included the AFL/CIO's Corporate Watch resource, a great starting point for tracking down info on various aspects of public corporations. Then I've also included The Prairie Messenger, the website of a Catholic left paper of the same name published out of Munster, Saskatchewan.
More later
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